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"Riley wait up!" Katie exclaimed, running after Riley to The Three Broomsticks. I smiled as I watched them while patrolling with Tonks.

Each Hogsmeade trip, they have Aurors posted to protect the students. I just happened to have been posted today. Tonks and I went into The Three Broomsticks and ordered a couple of butterbeers.

She found a table while I paid. When I walked back over with the drinks, we smiled and talked for a while.

"How's Hogwarts been?" She asked me. I smiled.

"Scarily peaceful. Unless you count having to help someone I despise teach my daughter, who he also seems to despise," I said, chuckling. She smiled and listened as I told some of the more amusing stories.

These stories included but weren't limited to, a first-year blowing up their cauldron in Potions, a 6th year somehow blowing up the feather they were supposed to transform into a chick, and hearing a 7th year Ravenclaw let out a particularly colorful string of words when they couldn't figure out the answer to the riddle so they could get into their common room (turns out some muggleborn had taught the knocker a not so appropriate joke and said it was a riddle).

Storytime was quickly interrupted by a scream from outside of the pub. Tonks and I ran outside with our wands raised and I could feel my fury grow as I saw a death eater holding Riley, while another held Katie and another stood behind them,.

"Hands. Off. My. Daughter," I growled at them, silently shooting a spell.

A duel of course ensued, and Riley was soon let go. Tonks dueled one death eater while I dueled two.





"AVADA–" I quickly cut the death eater off with a silencing charm Before they could cast that curse. I then knocked them unconscious, leaving just two death eaters.

Tonks seemed to be handling herself well so I set to work defeating the second death eater. She defeated her death eater quickly, and I quickly defeated the one I was dueling.

"They really need to train better." Tonks laughed at my statement, and I could hear a few of the people watching laugh too.

"I'll take them to the ministry. I think you need a moment with your daughter and her friend." I nodded and walked over to Riley while Tonks took the unconscious death eaters to the Ministry.

I hugged Riley tightly, stroking her hair. I could feel her shaking under me, so I started whispering soothing things. "I've got you, Riles... You're okay... I'm not going to let them hurt you..."

She slowly calmed down and I smiled softly Before turning to Katie.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She nodded and I smiled.

"Good. Now both of you go enjoy the rest of your trip before you have to go back, okay?" They nodded and ran off, leaving me all alone.


A few weeks went by after the incident. No trouble seemed to happen at all. Well, no trouble besides Katie Bell, Chaser for the Gryffindor quidditch team, getting cursed. That seemed to shake everyone, which was probably the goal of whoever cursed the necklace she had touched. It seemed to be a reminder that nobody is safe anymore, no matter your parentage.

"Lexi, could you run these papers to Professor Snape? He needs these to help plan consultations with 5th years." Mcgonagall snapped me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and took the stack of papers, heading to the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. I knocked on the door, waiting until I heard Snape say "come in," before I went in.

"To help with planning 5th-year consultations, from Professor Mcgonagall," I told him while setting them on his desk. He nodded without looking up from the papers he was grading.

"Go get Ms. Chang, I need to talk to her about her assignment," He told me. I nodded and went to the Ravenclaw tower, getting Cho and sending her to Snape's office.

The next day, I was sitting in the back of the Charm's classroom, just watching the third-years try to learn Auguamenti. When I noticed one of them having difficulties, I walked over to them and showed them the proper movements.

"Thank you, Mrs. Black." He smiled. I smiled back and nodded, walking around the room to help some students while Flitwick graded papers.

As class ended, I walked out, only to be approached by a few students.

"How can I help you?" I smiled at them.

"Can we ask you something Mrs. Black?" The shortest one asked.

"Of course, you can ask me anything." I sat down on a windowsill as they gathered near me.

"Are you pregnant?" The tallest boy asked, pushing his glasses up. If I'm being honest, they reminded me a bit of the Marauders. But without Remus. The tallest was definitely like James, the middle like Sirius, and the shortest was definitely Peter. I could only hope that they wouldn't meet the same fate my friend group did. Looking at them, I raised an eyebrow.

"Now where'd you get that idea?" I asked them. Of course, I totally am, but I'm not going to say it yet.

"It was just a theory." The boy that hadn't spoken yet said.

"It's alright. I'm glad you're using your smarts, but I'm not going to get into that." I explained. "Now. You three have classes."

They nodded and ran off to their classes. Looking out the window, I decided to go visit Saph. I stood up and walked down to her cave, humming under my breath as I went. I walked in and a smile instantly formed on my face.

Lexi! Saph greeted me. I sat down next to her, my hand unconsciously resting on my stomach, where the baby bump was forming.

Hey Saph. Sorry I haven't been to visit you in a while, I've been pretty busy. She wrapped her golden neck around my body in a hug, basically telling me it's okay. I smiled at her, petting her snout, my fingers gliding along her smooth scales easily.

I actually have some news for you Saph.

What's wrong Lex?

It's almost as if I could sense her frowning.

Nothing's wrong. It's happy news... I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. I'm pregnant.

You're WHAT?! Was it Sirius? It better have been Sirius or I'm going to burn somebody!

I laughed at that and shook my head.

You are something else Saph. Of course it was Sirius.

You love me anyways Lex.

That I do.

I spent the rest of the day talking with Saph, and watching the sunset from the mouth of her cave.


Thanks for reading!

I'm going to be changing my upload schedule (yet again) so it uploads when I get the chance, though I will definitely be trying to have another chapter out before the end of the year. But school is getting more stressful, so I have less time for activities that I usually do and when I do have time, I tend to forget.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Stay safe and healthy y'all!

Happy Vibes

<3 Riley

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