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As soon as Sirius finished reading, and rereading, and rereading the letter, he went to get his daughter, Riley, and showed her the letter. Riley gasped after reading the paragraph written to her.

"This is from Mom?" Riley asked quietly. Sirius nodded.

As they talked, in a different room, Hermione, Harry, and Ron were arguing.

"Oh come on, Ronald! That's ridiculous!" Hermione exclaimed.

"There's no proof against it. For all we know, she could have been killed with Harry's parents." Ron countered. Harry decided to interrupt before it got too heated.

"Why don't we ask Sirius. He's sure to know." Harry suggested. Hermione and Ron nodded, and they went to Sirius's room.

"Sirius?" Hermione asked timidly while standing in the doorway. Sirius looked up, while Riley reread the letter over and over.

"What is it, Hermione?" Sirius asked.

"Well, we got to talking about families and aunts and uncles, and we were wondering. Did Harry's parents have any siblings besides his mum's sister?" Hermione asked as they sat down.

Sirius sighed, and Riley looked up, setting the letter down. This has always been a rough topic for Sirius, and he would never talk about it, even to Riley.

"Actually... yes. James had a twin sister," Sirius responded.

"I told you!" Ron exclaimed, aiming it at Hermione. Hermione rolled her eyes, and Sirius had the attention of every child in the room.

"Could you tell us about her?" Harry asked.

"She was such an interesting one. Where do I even start?" Sirius chuckled to himself.

"How about a name, and go from there?" Riley suggested. The only thing Riley had ever gotten out of Sirius about her mother was that Riley had her personality and that she went to school with the Marauders.

"Her name was Alexis Potter. But she hated that so much. She preferred to be called Lexi. I still remember once, in our fifth year, I accidentally called her Alexis and she chased me down to the lake and beat me up. Scary when she's angry, she was." Sirius said. Hermione frowned.

"She attended Hogwarts? But why have we never heard of her before? I've heard teachers talking about the Marauders, but never a Lexi Potter." She said. Remus had come in, heard that, and chuckled.

"She attended Hogwarts from her 5th year through her 7th. And she was a Marauder with us." He said as he sat down.

"If she didn't attend Hogwarts before her 5th year, where did she go?" Ron asked. Riley suddenly remembered something.

"Durmstrang, right? I remember talking with one of the Durmstrang students, and he mentioned how I look similar to the only girl to ever attend. Apparently her picture is up in their great hall." Riley stated. Remus and Sirius nodded.

"She would never have been caught dead in Beauxbatons. I only ever saw her wear a dress three times." Sirius said.

"What were those three times?" Harry asked.

"Once, at the Yule Ball, we had a Tri-wizard Tournament in our 5th year, the second time was the annual 7th year ball..." Sirius trailed off before he could state the third time. He stared at the wall, lost in thought.

"What was the third time?" Ron asked. Remus answered for Sirius.

"The third, and final time anyone saw her wear a dress was at her wedding," Remus said. The kids were all itching with curiosity now.

"Who did she marry? Did she have a child?" Riley asked, eagerly.

"I think you know the answer to that Riles," Sirius stated. Riley's eyes widened as she realized.

"She married you. She's my mum. Harry is my cousin. Yet, Harry never lived with me. Why? Why didn't he live with me and uncle Remus?" She asked. Remus sighed.

"It was Dumbledore's decision. If I could have, I would have taken Harry in as well." Remus said.

"Why didn't anybody tell me I have another cousin?!" Harry exploded. He's angry. Angry that nobody told him he had a cousin. Angry that he has to live with the Dursley's when he could have been living with Remus.

"We wanted to, but we couldn't. It's a tough topic." Sirius said quietly.

"Where is Mum now, Daddy?" Riley asked, just as quiet.

"We'd like to know that too pumpkin," Sirius answered.


Thank you for reading!

I am going to be prewriting a lot of this because I am bored, so why not.

Hope you enjoyed! Stay safe my readers!

<3 Riley

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