Chapter 1

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(I know this is terribly written, it gets better.)

Tewkesbury pov:

"Congratulations. You finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be." Says Enola.

I looked at her and chuckled.

"No. You look good. This is good." She pointed at my suit.

"The vote is in an hour. It's um... quit the thing."

"I'm not supposed to bow or anything, am I, now that you are whatever you are? 

"Well, arguably, you always had to bow. You just chose not to."

Enola smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"So uh, are you safe? Are you... Are you -- are you comfortable? You're not still living in that terrible lodgings house, are you?" I asked.

"No." she chuckels. "I used the reward money your mother gave me... "- Witch you reluctantly took" I interrupted her."- and found someone new."

"Well, Mother said that there's , um... There's always room for you with us."

"Your mother clearly hasn't spent enough time with me."

"And what if it was I that... asked to stay?"

 "A kind offer, but one I must refuse..." 

 awkward silence 

"How will I... How... When will I see you again?" I stuttered.

she pulled a strange face. "You're not rid of me yet, Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether." She put on the most beautiful smile I have ever seen...

I looked into her eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes of hers, in which you could get lost forever. I smiled and gently took her hand from the gate, brought it to my lips and kissed her knuckles. 

Enola pov:

This boy, he has something special. When I'm around him I have this strange feeling in my stomach; like thousands of butterflies are flying around. I hate to leave, but it's better this way. I take back my hand, which he was still holding, and turn around. I walk away, and look back once more before disappearing into the bustle of the streets of London.

Okay Hi! This is actually just a scene from the film. The story begins after this, and in case you forgot that this scene existed: There you go.

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