Chapter 9

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Tewkesbury pov:

We had finished eating and Enola and I decided to read a book on the balcony. Enola had lent me her book "the language of flowers", I wanted to learn it too. And I think she had some kind of tacky novel, but that doesn't really interest me. It was already dusk, and Enola wanted to see the sunset. So we would sit there for at least another hour, which, don't get me wrong, I don't mind at all. It was kind of romantic, I have to say. 

I saw the dark silouettes of the trees in the pink sky. There were only a few clouds, so maybe we would be able to see the moon clearly. As time passed, we saw the sun sink further and further, and I saw Enola looking on in fascination. after a while, we were in complete darkness, except for the moonlight, of course. And the hundreds of stars that filled the chilly sky. After enjoying this beautiful scene, it was time to go to sleep, as we had to get up early tomorrow, preparing for the ball. 

Enola got ready and jumped into the big bed in my room, I decided to lie on my couch with a blanket I found in the closet. I didn't want to cause another awkward situation, you know.


"goodnight." We smiled at each other and before we knew it we had both fallen asleep. 

We make a little time jump because otherwise it will be soooo boring-

 More and more people were coming in, honestly I didn't know any of them. I stood near the stairs waiting for Enola to come down in the beautiful dress she chose yesterday. My mother forced me to wear such a tight suit again, logically, it was for her birthday, and with many other rich people who would probably look at me strangely otherwise. It looked like what I wore on the day of the vote, but without the hat.

And then, then she stood there. Enola Holmes stood at the top of the stairs and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Once my eyes found her, I could not take them off.

She lifted up her dress, so that it wouldn't drag on the floor, and stepped down the stairs foot by foot. I walked up to her and as soon as she reached the last few steps, I took her hand and led her to a spot a little to the side of the ballroom.

We had a nice conversation about this and that and many other things, such as what we had experienced in the past few weeks. It turned out that Enola's life is a bit more exciting than mine at the moment, with her detective work and all that stuff.

"Tewksbury!" I heard my name coming from somewhere, but it was quite busy so my eyese rolled searchingly through the crowd until I saw my mother waving.

"Would it matter to you if I um... go over there for a minute?" I asked Enola and after she nodded I walked quickly towards my mother.

 "Okay, the reason why I called you here; I have someone here for you. This is Helena Jane Houghton, daughter of Lord Lachlan Arthur Houghton." Said my mother with a little smile. "Do you remember her? You used to play together when you were little."

Helena stepped up to me and offered me her hand, I took it and introduced myself as 'Viscount Tewkesbury Marquess of Basilwether'. "I still know who you are!" she chuckled. Still holing her hand, I brought it to mouth and  softly kissed it.

clearly wanting to start a conversation, she started asking questions; like what I do in life as a Lord, what I like to do in my free time, and she even asked me about my money... that's a bit weird but I just let it go.

She kept me busy for at least half an hour... I mean; she's actually really nice to talk to.

When we didn't really have a topic of conversation any more, it was a bit awkward. But after about a minute, Helena broke the silence. "Wanna dance?" She asked with a smirk and I didn't really have a chance to answer as she had already pulled me along to the middle of the ballroom. I had to join in then... What else could I do?

But there was one little thing that I still had im the back of my head; Enola. Would she be fine? I've already been gone for a little longer expected.

But my thoughts were interrupted by Helena spinning around me and holding my hand. We were doing everything in sync, everyone on the dance floor.

When this song was done, a slow came. She put her hands around my neck and again I couldn't do much but put my hands on her waist and join in.


"So um... Has your mother told you yet?"

"Told me what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh..." she looked into my eyes. Hers were blue, Enola's hazel eyes were definitely prettier.

Enola... would she be okay? C'mon Tewkes, she's perfectly fine without you. Where even is she? I don't see her. Hmm...

"... My father said that we are a perfect match and our parents are thinking about us getting married." She continued with a smile.

GETTING MARRIED? WHAT? And what about Enola... All I want is Enola... I can't just marry some random girl. But one problem... there is no way that Enola would want to marry me... She probably doesn't even like me. But what happened at the treehouse, wouldn't it have meant something? Probably not. It was just an accident.

"Are you already imagining about our life later? Our little children running around..." She chuckled.

I woke up from my thoughts. "Um... I-" 

I was speechless. What was I supposed to do? I want to marry Enola. But Enola doesn't want to marry me. Helena was nice... but I'm not sure if I would be happy with her. She looks pretty much into me... great. Oh wait what? She's still looking into my eyes. This is too weird. I'm not sure anymore if I want this to happen. I wish this was Enola standing here in front of me, but it was not. Enola does not want to marry me and I have to resign myself to that. I'm still wondering where she is.

I look around as Helena moves her head closer to me. My eyes were still moving around the room when she came even closer, I could even feel her breath on my face. It stinks.

"I agree with my father, I think we are perfect for each other."

Just when Helena wanted to press her lips on mine, I pull my head away.

I saw Enola standing in the corner of the room. She was staring at me and her eyes were red from the many tears that were running down her cheeks.

I pushed Helena away and she fell to the ground. I didn't mean to, but it happened, unfortunately for her.

What about Enola? Is she crying because she thinks I am in love with Helena? Would she...

A wave of self-confidence and emotion swept over me. I had to tell Enola how I felt. I ignored Helena, who was lying on the floor groaning in pain, and ran to Enola as fast as I could. There were even a few people who had to jump backwards to avoid being knocked over.

As far as I could see Enola had a very confused and surprised look on her face. 

Standing in front of her, I brushed her hair behind her ear because it was sticking to her face from crying. I took her head between my hands; "I love you Enola, more than you can ever imagine." I breathed irregularly.

I saw her eyes light up as she looked up into mine and a small smile form around her mouth. This said enough for me and the fact that this was a full ballroom didn't bother me. I smacked my lips onto hers and after a second or two, which actually seemed like forever, I felt her kiss back. That was a load off my mind, because I was very afraid that she wouldn't want it. It seemed as if the world stopped. Just the two of us. Me and Enola. No one else. Not even the hundreds of people standing next to us. I tasted her salty tears in the kiss. 

Kiss. Oh my god. I was kissing Enola Holmes. For real this time, and not in my dreams. 

When we pulled back, our foreheads were leaning against each other. "I love you too Tewkesbury. I really do."

I think this chapter doesn't make sense at all but here it is. =) And we finally got some Holmesbury YAAAAAAY. I was so excited to write this because it was my first idea, it might be weird but I still wanted to do this so yeah. And wtf this one is sooo long okay its 1.5k words. Anyway... Byebye.

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