Chapter 11

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Tewkesbury pov:

"Knock knock"

With creaking hinges, my door swung open and my mother walked through.

"Tewkesbury, get up! It's almost 10 o'clock and we still have a bit of a chat, if you remember." She said in an intimidating tone. "Your uncle is not very happy, so I would hurry up if I were you!"

"Agh not so loud..." I complained as I rubbed my eyes.

"I expect you at the breakfast table."

"Good morni-" I said as I turned my head with a smile, expecting Enola to be there.

"Eno-.... Enola?" She was gone.


You know, she must be just getting ready for the day, that's probably it.

With great difficulty, I straightened myself up in bed and swung my legs off the edge.

When I got up and wanted to walk out, a piece of paper lying on my desk caught my eye. I stretched out my arm to take it and I opened it.

It said;

"Dear Viscount Tewkesbury Marquess of Basilwether,

First of all; I'm sorry I left without saying anything. I didn't want to wake you and I have to stay undercover. Don't tell just anyone where I am.

I had to leave urgently for the case I am currently working on. It's on the other side of the country, so I will be away for a very long time. Please do not disturb me, I need to concentrate because this is important.

I hope we will see each other again.

Enola Holmes."

WHAT?! SHE LEFT?? Now? We just kissed- I thought she liked it... Huh? Duty calls, I think. She just had to go for her job, that's how it is as a detective. But why didn't she say anything... Or did she not even say goodbye? I felt a stab in my heart, it hurt, the thought of Enola being gone again. I finally had her back, and how? I grinned. I already miss her and her kisses... But maybe it was a big mistake and she didn't want it at all. Why else would she leave in the middle of the night? Thousands of thoughts raced through my mind, it simply gave me a headache. Well... Simply? I was already having a hard time with it, what would that give for the next few weeks? Maybe even months! "How am I supposed to survive this!" I stomped over my chair in anger and sadness. No. She can't be gone. Not again...

A tear escaped the corner of my eye and I wiped the snot from under my nose with my sleeve. I cleared my throat; "right, breakfast and a conversation with my mother." I was a bit confused about that but I'll see how it goes, I guess.

I rushed to the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed, then ran down the stairs to the dining room where everyone was already sitting.

"Aha, mister will show up after all."

"Sit down, eat something." Mother complemented my uncle.

"CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT WAS GOING ON IN YOUR GOD DAMN HEAD?! WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS A DISGRACE TO OUR FAMILY, TO ALL OF ENGLAND!" My uncle yelled out of the blue. I was shocked and tears welled up in my eyes. I don't even know what I have done wrong...

"YOU PUSHED A GIRL, THE DAUGHTER OF A LORD, YOUR FUTURE WIFE, ON THE GROUND! You don't do that! Now your future and our entire reputation is ruined! People are already gossiping!"

"And now we are not there yet... WHO WAS THAT PEASANT WOMAN YOU KISSED?? You have plenty of girls to choose from, STAY ON YOUR OWN LEVEL!" He banged his hands on the table, a few plates moved and forks and knives flew up, even my mother jumped back in fright.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and tears rolled down my cheeks, my whole body shook and I felt nauseous.

"Well, I expect an answer, WHO WAS THAT?!"

"E- E- Eno- Enola Holmes." I said in a shaky voice.

"Holmes? Like-"


I threw my plate upside down and all the food flew around, it was a mess. I didn't care and ran out of the room with  clenched fists.

Away. I had to leave this place and I had to leave now! Why can't anything just go right for once in my life?

I sighed. There was a void, which seemed to have been filled when Enola was there, and now it is even deeper. I was just sure. I needed Enola, and I wanted her by my side forever. Because this girl, I loved her so damn much. So much so that words cannot describe it, I didn't even know such a thing existed.


How do you describe love?

Love is Commitment. Love is A Many Splendored Thing.

There are no words, best or otherwise, that will describe love in a way that will satisfy everyone. There isn't a phrase that will give everyone a lightbulb moment and a reason to respond, "That's it! Now I know what love is. Now I can love, be loved and, maybe, be in love."

Maybe for some people love is fun, loyalty, trust, warmth...

But for me... it's bigger than the whole universe.

Hello Holmesbury obsessed people! I am back with another stupid and really bad written chapter. Chapter 11! OMG ELEVEN YAAAY. Sorry. Also, I am shocked because omg how the hell do I have 800 reads already??? Thank y'all so much I'm going to die. Okay bye. =)

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