Bonus Chapter

760 13 45

Special shout out to  Bitchinenola.

This is for everyone who needed closure after the Helena situation.

Helena hopped across the beach with a big smile on her face. Her eyes searched the sand and every now and then she bent down to pick up a beautiful shell. She looked forward to turning them into an adorable necklace afterwards.

A seagull landed next to Helena and it screamed at the top of its lungs at her.

"I know I'm the handsomest girl in the whole of England, but you need to calm down a bit, little guy."

Another one descended from the sky and threw itself against Helena's head. "Hey!" She yelled and gasped so loudly every seagull around disappeared into the air. She coughed and blinked uncontrollably for a few seconds. "What on earth was that?" She asked herself and rubbed her skirt right again.

In the distance, between some dunes, she saw a black shadow growing larger and larger. Another living soul here on the beach, who would have thought.
Helena remained still until a strange girl stood right in front of her.

"Good morning. Um, who are you?"

"My name is Ruby." The girl smiled. She unclipped her cape and dropped it into the sand. Underneath, she wore a black costume. It looked strange, Helena thought. Ruby reached for something in her pocket.

Suddenly, Helena felt a sharp pain, as if someone had punched her really hard. She clutched at her stomach.
When she saw a red fluid drip off her fingers, she realised what had just happened.

She breathed loudly. "Wha...What did you do?!"

She held onto the dagger stuck in her abdomen. "Who... Wha-" Helena mouthed. "Ohw."

In a swift movement, Ruby pulled the dagger out of her and threw it in the sand, next to the cape and shells Helena dropped during the attack. Breathing heavily, she grabbed Helena by the arm before pulling her down and laying her on her back in the sea.

A tear ran from the corner of Helena's eye and every few seconds a wave covered her face after which she coughed the water out of her nose.

Ruby picked up her cape and dagger, after that she disappeared again into the distance. Her job was done here.

Helena's head started spinning and she fell into and endless tunnel of darkness and light. She felt like she just witnessed a giant explosion, and suddenly she found herself healed, standing in front of a gate.

"Welcome home, Helena. Welcome to hell." She heard a high-pitched voice say. She looked down, between her feet.

"Hello there, my name is Eddie. And that over there is my best friend Thomas. It's really cosy here. Soon we will have a meeting with our crochet club. You should join us."

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