Chapter 16

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Tewkesbury pov:

"Are you serious? Are you really that stupid? How the hell does my sister like you?" Sherlock wondered aloud. 

"Yeah, sorry... I'm not a 45-year-old detective, you know."

"Um, excuse me! I'm only 30 years old." He said as he rolled his eyes. "This code is as simple as anything, that kidnapper wasn't exactly the brightest either. Look;

"Etaf rouy Si ti Ecaf ot Emit."

All you have to do is turn the words around and put them in the right order. 

"'Fate your is it face to time' shall be..."

"It is time to face your fate." I interrupt him. I'm so clever, Am I not? "Fate... What fate?"

"I have no idea, but we also have those strange numbers. I have a feeling they are coordinates, I'm just going to put them in the right order like the sentence." Sherlock took all the papers and put them in the right order;


Si ti




Ecaf ot

And then the last one...


Etaf rouy


"So, that's it," said Sherlock cheerfully. "I think this is the easiest code I've ever had to crack!" He chuckled. "We are now going straight to the library to look at a detailed map of England. And we'd better take it with us, you know. I'd rather save my sister than get lost in the middle of nowhere."

I looked up and saw a sign with 'library' on it. I walked quickly to the entrance and pushed against the door. Ugh, it's very heavy, I backed up and then threw my whole weight against it. "Stupid door please open!" I shouted at it. 

"Hmh," Sherlock cleared his throat. "I think you should pull." He said as he pointed to a paper stuck on the door. 

'Pull.' It said. 

"Ow... hehe." I smiled awkwardly at him and walked inside after getting the door open.

Sherlock went somewhere to grab a rolled-up map, I have no idea where because I was too busy watching a fly circling on an old man's hat. 

"Hey, kid, are you coming or what?" I heard him call and I woke up from my fly studying trans. Right, coordintate, map, location, Enola? I hope she's there. Or not... I swear if she's not alive I'm just going to jump out of the tower room window. For now, of course, we're not assuming anything. 

Sherlock placed his two fingers on the points and moved them in a straight line towards each other to get one point, the coordinate from the strange threatening notes. 

"Wait, wait, what? It's right by the sea?!"

"I um, I think there is even a very high cliff there, and people never come to that place

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"I um, I think there is even a very high cliff there, and people never come to that place." Said Sherlock and looked at me with wide eyes. I felt my stomach turn upside down and my face turned completely white. "No. NO NO NO!"

 "We have to go there, now! Maybe we're still in time, even if she's been missing for four days..." He rolled up the card again and grabbed it from the table, we took it putside without doing or saying anything. The life of Enola Holmes is at stake here!

We decided together that going by carriage would take too long. We unhitched both horses and with great difficulty I got on. You have to understand that I normally don't sit on the back of a horse like that. It's quite um *swallows* high and unstable. But I am not afraid. It's for Enola. Do it for Enola, Tewkes.

We had been on the road for about 2 hours and it was already getting dark, I saw the sun setting and it was beautiful as always. Yellow, red, orange, pink, purple... you name it, all these colours are incorporated in this beautiful scene that nature has prepared for us time and again. When I look at it with fascination, I almost forget all my worries for a moment. Almost. Not Enola of course, I'm terrified. I could still feel my legs trembling and the goose bumps on my neck were not about to go away. Terrible, this feeling. Why is she not just in my arms as she was a few days ago? Why? I wish her lips were still attached to mine and would never come off again. I just want Enola back.

A salty tear ran down my cheek, straight into my mouth. "Ugh." I sighed. 

"We will not give up hope, OK? Promise me that."

I nodded with a small and slightly fake smile. "Thanks, Sherlock. There aren't many men like you to be found these days." I meant those words, with all my heart. If I didn't have him, I would be nowhere. Just lost in fear, grief and panic. Sherlock really knows how to help me. I'm more than grateful for that.

"And um... What's the deal with you and Enola?" Sherlock asked with an intimidating grin. "Are you guys now...?"

"Now what? I don't know what you mean." I turned my head the other way to hide my blushing cheeks.

"Yes, admit it. I know you are crazy about each other. I'm a detective, remember?  

I bent my head down and tried to look at him in an angry and irritated way, which clearly did not work.

"Pff... boring sod. I'll find out when you ask her to marry you, won't I? He smiled and had a strange look in his eyes. Something typical of detectives, I think. My eyes rolled over dramatically as we still sat on our horses, riding through the already dark fields and woods. 

We wouldn't stop for any reason, food and sleep are now among the least important things. We will certainly be on the road until tomorrow afternoon, or even late in the evening if Sherlock was wrong for one time in his life.

Those last chapters are really boring and horrible and illogical and I hate it. This whole story just doesn't make sense anymore... 😀 But here's another one hehe.

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