Chapter 6

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.Enola pov:

I heard the birds chirping and the trees moving in the wind, the sun was shining. I felt the warmth on my arms and face, It felt good. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Tewkesbury staring at me, smiling.

"Good morning beautiful." 

"Hi!" I chuckled while I rubbed my eyes. For a second I was confused, I  just woke up and forgot how exactly I had ended up on this balcony. Oh, and the second point of my confusion: did he just call me beautiful?

Tewkesbury  jumped up and reached out his hand to me while his mouth formed a grin. He was more excited than usual... "What are you up to?" I asked as I took his hand and he pulled me up.

His face came closer. "Meet me at the treehouse at 10." He let go of my hand and walked back inside.

He is so suspicious... but I just did what he told me to do. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and put on the clean dress a maid had given me. I brushed my long wavy hair and put a bow in it. 

I looked at myself in the mirror, took a deep breath, and with a smile I walked out the door. The big clock in the hall showed that it was 9.45 am,  so I still had 15 minutes, I started walking down the stairs at my leisure. 

As I came down the last step, Lady Tewkesbury walked by. "Good morning Enola. Are you feeling any better?" 

"Yes ma'am, your son took good care of me." 

 "That's how I know him... But he doesn't do that for everyone, you know." She winked and walked on.

"Ehm what does she mean by that?" I asked myself in a sarcastic way. 

I ran to the back door and threw it open. "Oops." I chuckled and on my way to the tree house I hopped through the woods.

When I arrived, I heard a lot of noise up there, and there was a nice smell. "Yoo-hoo!" I shouted. 

"Oh my God! You are going to give me a heart attack one day!" Said Tewkesbury dramatically with his hand on his heart. He pretended to drop dead.  

Then he sat up straight again and he looked into my eyes; 

"You're too early, Miss Holmes." He said seriously, well, he tried, because one second later we both burst out laughing. "No, seriously!" he said, still laughing. "I'm not done yet, wait there."

"fine..." I picked a nice little flower and then leaned against a tree to study it more closely. The petals were a beautiful purple with little bits of yellow closer to the core. I looked at it with fascination.

"An Iris." I heard coming from the tree.

 "And that one stands for, 'I have a message for you.' 

"Now I happen to have the message that I'm done and you may climb up." 

And he threw the rope on top of my head.

 "Hey!" I yelled at his stupid grinning face. 

I grabbed the rope firmly and put my foot on the trunk of the tree. While I was struggling to get there, Tewkesbury was staring at me. This only made me more irritated.

 When I was standing next to him alive and well, I looked at him and said, "You're a nincompoop." 

"Thank you." he giggled and pressed my nose. 

He looked to his right and pointed. "Surprise!" 

Next to us was a blanket and a basket of all sorts of tasty things. "I introduce you to my wonderful breakfast picnic."

 My mouth fell open. "You shouldn't have done that! How sweet..." My face formed a cute pleading look.

"I like to make an effort for you." he says, and I jump on him and give him a quick little kiss on his cheek. 

Tewkesbury took my hand and pulled me towards the blanket. We sat down together and I looked around, there is so much! I saw eggs, cupcakes, pancakes and much more. "How am I ever supposed to choose from this?!" 

"Why don't we just eat everything?" We both laughed. We each took a pink cupcake and brought it to our mouth, then took a big bite at the same time. "Mmmm..." I said as a sign that I loved it.

Hyyyyye. uhm. Thanks for reading. plz comment because I like comments. Correct me if you see a mistake. I hope I have annoyed you with this useless message. bye.

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