Chapter 7

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Enola pov:

"It was delicious..." I said dreamily as I looked at Tewkesbury.

"I know haha, but....., I still have another suprise for you!"

Still looking at him, my face changed into a surprised expression. Is he being serious? Another suprise? My inside was dying, How is it possible that I met this boy?....

He put his hands on the wooden floor and pushed himself up. As he did so, he somehow grabbed my arm and pulled me along. A small scream came out of my mouth, which soon changed into a chuckle.

He grinned; what a surprise. Tewksbury grabbed the rope and lowered himself down. (Fortunately, he had let go of me by then.) At the last bit, he let himself fall and as he hit the ground, I could hear the twigs crunching under his feet.

"Are you coming or what?"

"Nincompoop." I said and took the rope between my fingers. I wanted to make an impression and scare him for a second so I jumped off the platform and swung through the air. I had done this before when I was younger. I spun around and "woops" bumped into Tewksbury. He fell backwards with me on top of him.

Our faces were only a few inches apart and I felt his warm breath on my skin, it sent a shiver down my spine. He was looking at me so strangely again and I hated and loved it at the same time.

I looked into his eyes. They resembled an infinite ocean, even though they were dark brown. I was thinking about what I just said, and now it's really weird. So just leave that.

"Krrr" We heard coming from the bushes. I was startled and immediately looked behind me, so I lost my balance and rolled off Tewksbury.

We laughed awkwardly at each other and I stood up and wiped the dirt from my dress. When I turned around, I saw the cause of the noise, it was a squirrel with an acorn climbing back into a tree. Oh great. That special moment interrupted, by, yes, a squirrel.

"Ehm let's go, I want to show you something." Said Tewkesbury. I walked up to him and hooked my arm in his. Together we walked to.... to ehm.... the place he had in mind. I had no idea.

We went deeper into the woods, first on the main path, but then we took all the small winding paths that you had to know about to really see them.

"Come on, where are we going?" He nodded no.

"Pleaseeee... Just a little tip then?"

"No Enola. You will have to be patient. Five more minutes of  and we'll be there."

I growled and walked on. I had to know where we were going NOW, so I increased my pace. "Come on faster!" I shouted to Tewkesbury, who was still 10 kilometres behind.

"Calm down Enola! You don't even know which direction to run." He walked up to me and took  my hand and then pulled me to the opposite way.

A little later

I suddenly felt two hands covering my eyes and I couldn't see anything anymore.

"We are here, are you ready?" I heard him ask.

"Just walk straight ahead, if something is in your way I'll warn you okay?"

I nodded in response. I trusted Tewksbury one hundred percent. Even more than that! But sometimes he could be an irritating nincompoop. I have to admit that.

Apparently that thought made me smile, because Tewksbury asked what was so funny. "Oh nothing, just an inside joke." I replied quickly.

Step by step I walked forward with my arms stretched out in front of me to avoid running into anything. Just, extra, beside Tewksbury's warnings.

"Okay! 3... 2...1..." He took his hands off my face and smiled broadly.

"Wow-" I was simply speechless. I had never seen anything so beautiful. I'm not kidding, it was straight out of a fairy tale. I saw tree trunks with light green moss, ferns, cute little trees, and MANY flowers; every kind. It was paradise, and I would not be surprised if fairies lived here. My mouth formed into a big smile, teeth bared. My eyes twinkled because I was just obsessed with the beautiful view.

"This is my secret place, where I always come when I need to be alone and think or unwind. Nobody knows about it, but you do now. You, Enola Holmes, are special enough for me to be the first person to know about this place." Tewksbury said. I died.

"I just wanted to lie in the grass and look at the clouds, if that's OK with you?" 

"Sure!" I don't think I could be any more excited than I am now.

I ran to a small hill and climbed on it. When I reached the top, I dropped down and lay down in the grass. Tewkesbury could hardly keep up with me and eventually sat down next to me. I turned my head forward and my eyes met the fluffy white clouds.

"Hey look there!" I moved my eyes in the direction of his pointing finger. "That one looks just like a cat!" Said Tewksbury just like a little kid. It took me a while before I noticed it too. Once you see it, you can't unsee.

"I have an idea." I Said. "What if we make it a game? Whoever finds something first wins the round."

"All right! We don't even have to play to know I'm going to win." He said confidently and stuck out his tongue.

"Wait and see..." I was very competitive since I used to play a lot of games with my mother.

Ready... start!

My eyes darted in all directions through the air, trying to get a good look at small details in order to find something. I was already starting to get stressed because I didn't see anything immediately. But then suddenly...
"Ha!" I screamed and pointed to the sky. "There, that's obviously a llama in a car." I said proudly. Tewksbury hesitated, but then proved me right.

"Okay, next round!" I said enthusiastically.

3...2...1... Start!

- 4 rounds later -

"Yes I found something! There, a little heart." Said Tewksbury somewhat softer. He turned his head to me and put his hand on mine. Just the same as I did at the gate. I closed my eyes, sighed and enjoyed the fresh air, beautiful nature and nice company.

So far, this has been a great day.

Don't attack me-

 I hate the squirrel with all my heart. I called him Eddie.

this is my best chapter so far in my opinion. =)

thanks for reading.


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