Chapter 15

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(Now we are back to the Enola-time, it is still the same night.)

Enola pov:

"You have no idea what you have done to me!" We had a good time, Enola, and we should have stayed that way. Or have you forgotten that too? The moment you stood me up. 

"You..." I whispered.

"Shut up! I am the one talking here." 

I put my head on the floor, I simply had no energy to react. And I didn't think that was a good idea either. 

"I can hardly believe it. My life seemed to be over. You think you can trust someone, but then ... with the flick of a finger... you lose everything. I thought we were friends, Enola, I loved you so so much and I'm trying to understand why they hurt me so much. Feelings for the most toxic person ever. Nothing has been worth living for the last four years. And all those who hurt me, I drag into my trap. I no longer keep my secrets to myself. I am tired of people hurting me, especially that one person. That one has to go! And that person, Enola, is you. Don't be afraid dear, I'm going with you. I am finished with this life, my only goal left is to end your existence. The end of Enola Holmes."

I felt a tear running down my nose as my head was tilted. I did my best to stay strong and not sob. The end of Enola Holmes? That was it... There was nothing I could do.  

"Do you remember? That day?" I did nothing. I didn't speak, I did'nt move, all I did was focus my attention on what he said.

"No? Then I will be happy to repeat it for you." Said Thomas with an odd look, not showing any emotion.

"It all started in one day. August 19, 1896 to be exact.

 Like just about every other day, we would spend hours playing in the woods, or just sitting by the water having a nice conversation. We then talked about how the week before, the whole kitchen was hanging full of flour, after you decided to have a fight. We had so much fun together, truly the best years of my life, and me with my dumb ass... thought that you felt the same way. Guess what? I was embarrassingly wrong. 

When you stood up from the grass, I looked at every detail of you. As you danced and turned a pirouette on your tip, your dress fluttering happily in the wind. You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and I couldn't contain my feelings anymore. I loved you so god damn much. I knew I had to tell you sometime, and I wanted to do it in the most special situation. I stood up and took both your hands;

 "Enola, I have a surprise, can you come to my house by sunset? Even if your mother won't let you, please do it, climb out the window if necessary. You won't regret it." said I with the biggest smile ever on my face and I went off to prepare it.

I was nervously waiting and fiddling with the corner of my jacket, I was very excited, but at the same time immensely scared. Even though I was almost sure it would go well. "Come on, she's giving clear hints, right?" I said to myself trying to calm down. I heared the pebbles on the road creak as I watched your silouette approach, with the dim sky in the background. 

"Hi." you said softly. My whole heart melted right then. I grabbed your hand and took you to my backyard. There was a bench there, surrounded by tea lights and rose petals, blood red ones. Like the ones from the rose at my last message that you apparently didn't receive since you were at that fat bastard's house, lying in his bed! Anyway, we move on. You gasped with your hand in front of your mouth. 

"Wow..." you whispered. 

I walked over and pointed to a spot; "If the young lady would like to take a seat." 

You giggled, it was so cute, and you sat down. 

"So what I wanted to talk about..." I began as I positioned myself next to you. "I um.... I-" I grabbed your hand and put my other on top of it. Come on Thomas, you can do this! 

"I like you Enola, a lot." Pfoof, that was a load off my mind, it felt good to finally tell the truth. 

"I like you too....?" You said more like a question, you were confused because I said that out of the blue. "You are a very good friend." 

Wait, friend? 

"No no Enola, I think you misunderstood; I really really really like you. Actually... I love you." You looked up into my eyes; I-I just had to do it, I leaned in toward you as I looked at your lips. They looked so beautiful and attractive, all I wanted was to kiss you. Just before I did you pulled your head away. And then they came, the words that ruined my whole life. 

"I love you too, I think, but certainly not in this way. I'm sorry." 

My heart broke into a thousand pieces, no millions! I felt the sadness and anger building up inside me and jumped up after throwing your hands into your own lap. 

"I thought we had a connection, Enola, a special connection. And apparently-" I was boiling and couldn't utter any more sensible words, so I turned and ran. I ran, ran and ran. Until, in our own spot by the lake, I collapsed. All my energy, cheerfulness and desire to live were sucked out in one go. I had lost everything. Everything."

"So, that was the end of our fairy tale," said Thomas with the most fake smile ever. It was probably meant to be. "Think about that over the next few days. Don't worry, I'll come and bring you a sip of water once a day. I have better plans than letting you die of thirst." With these words, he left the basement.

 I was left alone, unable to move or anything, as I was still lying on the floor, tied to a chair. I must say it's not the best or most comfortable position. I also realised that there was nothing I could do, so I wanted to sleep. Mainly to pass time, and of course because I was exhausted. My vision was also still blurred from what happened just now, you know, when he punched me right in the stomach and I fell over. That was not so easy, these would be long, hard and painful nights. And days, those still exist too. Great, then I can spend even more time here. Actually, I have no idea what time it is and how long I have been away from the Tewkesbury's. Wait; Oh my god. How'd it go with him? Ow- 

I wish I could let him know right now what is going on, but unfortunately I won't be able to... 

I had imagined the end of my life just a little differently...

Okay now you finally know that Thomas is her weird psycho ex best friend. Heh.  

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