Chapter 3

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Enola pov:

I felt something cold on my forehead. It woke me up and I tried to open my eyes, which was quite difficult because the bright light hurt.   


 "where am I?" I said in a cracking voice.  "Tewkesbury?"

"Yes, Enola, it's me. You're safe now." And he gave me a hug, gently this time.

I gripped him tightly and I didn't care about the pain in my arm and the rest of my body. 

I buried my head in Tewksbury's shoulder and tears came to my eyes again, but I tried to stay strong. I can't remember exactly how I got here either...

 "What.... how?...." I asked.

"I opened the door and I found you out there all dirty and covered in bruises and blood, then you passed out and I brought you in here." 

"Speaking of dirty, maybe you should take a shower, then you'll be all clean and we can take good care of your wounds. Okay?" He asked, his face showing real concern.

Yes, I will do that. I tried to sit up, but it really hurt. Tewkesbury saw that and helped me out of the bed. "Um... Where is the bathroom?" I asked.

"Oh yea... almost forgot," he said. "I'll lead you there." And he smiled. 

He supported me to make sure I did not fall, he always worries too much... And we walked out of his bedroom. We stumbled down the long corridor, the last door on the left was the bathroom.

Tewkesbury opened the door for me so that I could walk in easily. "I'll see you in a moment, I guess." he said.  I smiled at him and closed the door behind me. I sighed and started to take off my clothes, I really hated the corset, it took my breath away and it's so hard to get on and off. 

Well, yeah, a century later, I finally stepped into the shower. I turned the knob, and when it was hot enough, I stood under it. I felt the water running down my body, it felt good.

 I tried to relax, but every time I closed my eyes, I saw everything that happened earlier that day replaying before my eyes. It was... Scary.

When I had finished, I stepped out of the shower and took a towel, which I wrapped around my already half-frozen body. It was the draught coming from under the door that caused the cold.

I stood there for a while, waiting for most of the water to drip off me, thinking about, you guessed it, the strange man in the alley. Come to think of it, his face looked familiar or something...but it couldn't be. Where could I've seen him before? I tried to let that thought out of my head and started drying myself.

I took my pyjamas and let the comfortable garment slide down my body. I searched the drawer for a hair brush, my wavy hair had become rather tangled due to the fight. But when I looked up and saw the scratches on my face, I burst into tears again.

 I took a few steps backwards and, with my hands over my eyes, I let myself sink against the wall. 

Tewkesbury pov:

I was waiting on my bed, reading a book about flowers. Enola was taking a long time in there, I thought. I was actually starting to get a bit worried, so I decided to go and see if everything was all right. 

As I got closer to the door, I heard her sobbing. What should I do now, I can't just walk into the bathroom? So I knocked on the door and asked if I could come in. "Yes..." I heard her mutter. I lowered the door handle and walked in. 

I saw her sitting with her head between her legs, and her arms around her head, crying, on the floor in the bathroom.

I, again, did not know what to do. But Enola needed me so I walked over to her and sat down right next to her. I wrapped my arm around her back, she put her head on my shoulder and we stayed like that for a while, just cuddling.

After 5 minutes I asked: "Shall we go back to my room? The floor is a bit cold..."

I got up and offered her my hand to pull her up.

We walked down the long corridor again, back to my bedroom.

The same again I guess... Thanks for reading, leave tips, idk...

love y'all xx

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