Chapter 13

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(Remember that this chapter takes place on the night itself, so before chapter 12!)

Enola pov:


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that it was dark.

"ughmh..." I moaned with fatigue. I felt dizzy and like I was going to throw up every second.  All I remembered was that strong, chemical smell, nothing else. Now I was suddenly sitting here on a chair, not knowing what was going on. 

I tried to move, but the tight ropes with which I was tied did not allow me to. I just couldn't, and it hurt when they rubbed against my wrists. I could do nothing except sit still and wait for something to happen.

Not even 10 seconds later...

I felt something touch my shoulder and it sent shivers through my entire body. This time not from a romantic interaction Tewkesbury performed, but from pure fear.

A large hand pulled off my blindfold and dropped the piece of cloth in my lap. The darkness was immediately replaced by a strong white light that shone right into my face, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

"Enola." I heard coming from behind me, it was a heavy male voice.

"Long time ago... Don't you think?"

He walked past me with slow steps and ran his fingers along my arm. I shivered from head to toe and it gave me goosebumps in my neck. Why exactly should this happen to me again? Normally I am the one who has to solve it, now I'm stuck here myself. What should I do? Solve my own case? Didn't think so...

A large figure came to a stop in front of me. Well, at least I could see again. Nice, I guess?

I looked down, normally I would be fiddling with my fingers now, but I couldn't because my arms were each attached to a chair's railing. This annoyed me enormously, what else did you expect?

"Are you going to say anything? Such as... I missed you... Glad to see you back... No?"


"You're not going to tell me that you don't know me anymore, are you? YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO RECOGNISE ME FROM MY VOICE ALONE, FOR GOD'S SAKE!" he shouted like a headless psycho. I was startled and tears welled up in my eyes, I wanted to hold them back very much. Don't show that you're scared, that's only bad.

He bent down and as he pushed my chin up I had to look at him. There it was again, the feeling. Would he be right? Would I know him? He looked into my eyes, so deep, they just forced me to keep staring. Blue, like the waves of a clear sea, they were beautiful. I put my brain to work because I wanted to know who he was NOW. 




"Aha so you do remember me..."

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"  I kicked his leg in anger. Why is he doing this? suddenly, after all these years....

Apparently he didn't appreciate it, so he raised his leg and punched me in the stomach. "Ughff" My eyes widened in pain. He kicked a second time, so hard that the chair I was sitting on tipped over and I fell, my head hitting the floor hard. 

I burst into tears and almost fainted from the pain, fear, nausea and dizziness. I don't think I have ever felt so awful. 

"Wh-why are you-- doing thi-s?" I just managed to get out, it hurt so much when I spoke.    


Omg omg omg I'm so sorry! Hehe, I know this is a bit short but I thought it would be a great plan to make y'all angry. Please don't attack me. One day you'll find out who Thomas is... Maybe next chapter, maybe not... I'm not sure yet. =)

Also;I have decided to change the title because I hate the current one as much as I hate Eddie.


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