Chapter 17

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(From now on, everything takes place on the same days.)

Enola pov:

I opened my eyes. I bit my teeth, my head hurt immensely. I was sitting in something that looked like a carriage, but with a roof, and my hands were tied behind my back. I pulled on the ropes in panic, but could not move.

In front of me loomed a cliff, softly lit by the setting sun. It was evening, not a living soul around. 

I heard sobbing next to me, but I didn't dare look at him and started to cry myself.

"You just shouldn't have come, Thomas," I said quietly. "The past should have stayed the past."

We were both breathing very heavily.

"Now everything is over." He said without any emotion and didn't look at me.

"Untie me..." I growled with an angry look and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"For years I hesitated to make contact with you again. I loved you. Do you believe me? I really loved you... But I couldn't do it, I could not risk seeing your beautiful face again without throwing punches." He rubbed my cheek with his thumb, to wipe away a tear. 

I jerked my head away as I was startled by the sudden touch. "Get your hands off me... And untie me! Please!" I cried. "Please..."

"Shut up!" He looked at me with hatred.

"But a little while ago I saw you in the newspaper. Suddenly become a detective? Tewkesbury case solved? Pff, ridiculous, that guy. 

It was nice out there, wasn't it? By the tree. It should have been me! Just me and nobody else. You can't imagine how many times I have dreamed of pinning you to the wall like that. Or a tree, apparently that's possible too. 

But now it is clear, I see everything, I hear everything, I know everything. 

Since I knew you were in London I have been looking for you. I have no money to rent a place to stay, so I have been living on the streets for weeks. Suddenly one dull dark night, I saw you coming out. It was late, so there were no people left on the streets, just some drunks strolling through, struggling to remember where they live. I didn't have to worry about that.

I followed you from a distance, kept an eye on you. But when the moonlight shone between the houses and straight onto one side of your face, I saw that night play out before my eyes, and then what I feared happened; My blood boiled and out of hatred I breathed heavily. I just had to get you out of the way. After all, you deserved it for what you did to me. I just wanted to cut your throat and be done with it. It wasn't that simple, you must have trained well in recent years, huh? When you beat me up and didn't even recognise me, I was completely out of it. We had to die, both of us. And I thought it would be better to starve you half to death and cause you pain, because in the end I preferred a more spectacular death, and all traces of it would be erased.  Well, then I followed you and I just watched you with that fat guy you are obviously in love with. I was looking for a good moment to get you out of there and yeah... 

 But just think Enola, deep down you know you still have feelings for me and with this Tewkesbury guy you are trying to get over your grief."

"We've lost each other." Thomas sobbed as he stared out at the open sea. "What is the point of living any longer with all this pain in our hearts... For four years I've felt terrible and as if I've lost a piece of myself, as if it was stuck to you, still is. You would probably like to beg my forgiveness now and spend the rest of your life happily with me. But no... This can't be repaired, not in any way. The damage you've done is too great and it's better if we leave it all behind us. Together.

"No, don't do it."

It's over, Enola."


Thomas pulled something loose from the side of the carriage, so it began to roll slowly down the hill, towards the open sea, with the sunset behind it. I screamed my voice off. The carriage shot over the furthest point of the rock, floated through the air for a few seconds and landed in the water with a dull bang ten metres below. I yanked on the ropes as hard as I could and I slit my wrists until they bled. 

The ice-cold water rushed in through the holes and swirled up from my stomach over my chest to my neck. I looked aside. Thomas lay unconscious against the door, his forehead bleeding.  

"Help! Help!" I screamed but knew that no one would be able to save me. The water crept up my chin and ran into my mouth. I spat and tried to catch my breath, but it only took a few seconds before I couldn't get any oxygen. My head spun away and my thoughts raced as the cold water enveloped my body. 

The rear of the carriage remained above water for a short time until it, too, disappeared into the dark sea.

Don't go complaining that you think you missed something, because you didn't, okaaay? So Enola sat in the basement for days and had no food, only a tiny bit of water. Let's just say that she didn't have the best time of her life in there. Then he took her here and they were standing with a carriage,( without a horse, okay-) on a hill by the cliff.

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