Chapter 5

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Tewkesbury pov:

Enola's eyes slowly closed and her breathing became regular again. I didn't want to wake her in any way, so I laid her down as gently as possible and put the blanket over her body.

 Before I went to sleep, I wanted to sit on the balcony for a while, just to think.  I walked to the door, and unlocked it as quietly as I could.

 I placed my elbows on the edge and supported my head with my hands. I looked at the beautiful front yard with all those lovely flowers; then at the sky, I observed every beautiful star, and with the brightest ones I tried to make figures. It's incredible how we are part of this gigantic universe. 

Lost in thought, I suddenly felt two arms around me. Enola put her head on my back. "Oh my god, you scared me to death!" I screamed. "Shttt quiet!" She wisper yelled and we both chuckled. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I can ask you the same thing..." She said and grinned at me. 

"Just thinking..."

"About what?" She asked.

"I'm just worried... and I'm still wondering what happened to you." I said as I looked at her. "Do you maybe... want to tell me?" 

"Yeah I guess... Uhm... I'll try. So uhm..." 

"If you don't want to it's fine I just-" I interrupted her. 

"It's okay, really, I want to tell you." 

-10 minutes, a whole explanation and lots of tears later... 

"Holy shit... So that man was trying  to kill you?" I asked, still impressed and VERY concerned. 

She nodded. 

"But why? I don't understand..." 

"Me neither, but I really feel like I've seen him before, I don't know when and where and it drives me crazy!" 

Yeah she's a detective..." I thought.

"Maybe it has something to do with your job?" She looked confused.

"Perhaps you've solved some crime that he didn't want solved?" 

"I don't know... I mean it's possible..." Enola said. "let's just leave it as it is, I don't want to think about it for a while."

"Yeah let's just sit here and cuddle up to stay warm. Look at the stars, how beautiful this world can be..." But nothing is as beautiful as Enola and her gorgeous hazel eyes, in the moonlight they're even brighter than usual.

We stayed like that for a while, until Enola fell asleep. I looked at her face, her long eyelashes, cute nose, just everything, every little part of her. 

"How can a human being be so perfect?" I wondered.

 I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. 

"I love you Enola Holmes." And with those words I went off to dreamland too.

This is a short one I know. But I hope you like it  =) plz spam the comments because I'm bored. bye. 



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