Chapter 22

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Enola pov:

I sat on Tewkesbury's bed, out of breath. I looked up and stared at him with a huge smile on my face.

Ahh, he's so adorable...

"Enola..." He sighed as he slowly stepped towards me and dropped into the mattress beside me.

"What?" I asked teasingly as I lay down next to him with my arms spread wide.

"Ow! You hit me, how wicked!" he shouted.

"Ugh, don't be a baby."

"Oh, I am. And I always will be. Your baby." He grinned and flipped himself over so that his body hung over mine.

"Wow," I muttered with a raised eyebrow.

"You like what you see?" he grinned.

"Hmm... not really. Your double chin shows quite clearly."

"Okay then no more kisses for Enola." He said and shrugged after rolling back off me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply before kicking his leg.

"Ugh, you really need to stop hurting me! But because I love you so deeply....I got an idea. whispered Tewky in my ear.

"Ooooh what is it?" I grinned.

"Surprise!" he yelled and jumped up from the bed.

"You have a fat ass," I said dryly as I moved myself to the end of the bed.

"Thank you." He smiled and like a little toddler, he hopped away from me. He opened the door to the bathroom, shook his bottom once more, and disappeared through the door.

I put one of the pillows upright on the edge of the bed and placed myself against it with my back. I pulled my clothes back into place and folded my hands together on my lap.

A noise coming from outside drew my attention and I turned my head towards the window. A small bird happily jumped over the windowsill and tapped on the window with its beak.

"Hello little guy." I said to the little creature in my highest squeaky voice. "How cute you are..."I put on a smile.

It turned its head and looked at me strangely, then spread its wings and flew away, back into the wide world.

How wonderful it must be to be a free bird and to be able to do whatever you want...

I sighed and looked at the door in irritation; What the hell is he doing?

It was getting quite boring here, so I let my eyes roll around, detecting every detail of this room once again. I stopped, and stared at the small wooden nightstand next to me.

this can't do any harm... I thought to myself and grabbed the tiny knob that was attached to the top drawer. I pulled so that the it would open.

A cloud of dust flew up from the wooden shelf and landed in my face, it made me cough a few times.

I rubbed my eyes and looked into the drawer. There were only a few useless little things, and a book; the only item that wasn't covered in dust. I grabbed the leather cover and took the book out with my thumb and forefinger.

I turned to the first page that said: "Love for dummies" I read in a whisper. I rolled my eyes playfully and let my head sink into my hand with a smile.

I thought this was funny so I browsed some more."Chapter one: How To Tell a Woman You Love Her. Chapter Two: How To Comfort a Woman When She is Upset. Chapter Three: How To Be a True Gentleman."

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