Chapter 14

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(I know it's getting a bit complicated, so this is Tewkesbury again and that took place 2 days after Enola vanished, now it's the 3rd. I hope you're still following, if not, well yeah that's annoying.)

Tewkesbury pov:

"Ding - dong"

Finally! I ran to the front door as fast as I could and threw it open. Standing in front of me was the one and only Sherlock Holmes. After finding out that something was seriously wrong with the whole Enola affair, I immediately sent him a telegram, as a letter would take too long. I have a bad feeling that this is urgent. Since this is about his little sister, he also came as soon as he received the message.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr Holmes. I am Viscount Tewkesbury, the marquess of Basilwether." I introduced myself politely and shook his hand.

"Oh, just call me Sherlock. I've heard a lot about you, young man."

"Sherlock, I need your help now.
  Enola! She, uh... she just..." I breathed quickly and freaked out, my eyes racing around the room. "VANISHED!" I yelled. I don't think they heard me on the other side of the house....

"Calm down, it will be alright. Can you just try to tell me what exactly is going on?"

I nodded while wiping a tear from my cheek with my sleeve. Why do I have to cry in front of Sherlock? Ugh.

We walk to the living room because Sherlock had suggested to sit on the sofa, then I'd better 'calm down'?

(I am too lazy to write this whole conversation.)

Sherlock's eyes widened. "Why didn't you contact me earlier?! This is a serious matter, if I had been present we could have prevented her kidnapping! Or whatever happened..."

I looked up into his eyes and a single tear rolled down my cheek. Another one dripped off my chin and fell on my collar. I cried, but without sound. Just lonely tears. I swear, I'm even more scared now than I was when I was strangled and shot. This was scarier than all the times we could have died. Scarier than ever.

Enola had to be okay. She had to be. Because without Enola, I'm nothing but an empty body. I feel like my soul is attached to hers, the strongest bond possible. 

"Enola." I whispered so quietly that not even Sherlock heard. 

"Be okay. Promise me, please."

No response...

"Anyway, there is no time to argue. Does Enola have any stuff lying around here?"

"Eh-m no... she came here right after the..."

"Attack." I sobbed. It was hard to say out loud, the fact that Enola had now been kidnapped by that psycho didn't make it any better. At all.

"Good, then I must leave immediately to look for her." Said Sherlock, clearly worried and agitated.

"Wait, what do you mean 'I'? I'm coming with you, no way I'm going to sit here and wait!"

"Haha, didn't think so." He replied dryly.

I breathed in and out deeply and stood up from the sofa, then walked towards Sherlock. I bit my lip and looked at him angrily. "I. Am. Coming. With. You. Now!"

"Ugh... fine. Not my problem if something happens to you. Okay just a little bit maybe..." 

He rolled his eyes overdramatically. "Come on then, we should have left already. Towards London, now! I know it's rude and invasion of privacy, but now we really need to search her room for any possible clues." He says as he pulls me by the arm through the corridor and outside. Apparently, the carriage was already there, waiting to take us to the station. London is quite a distance from here.

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