Chapter 2

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4 months later...

Enola pov:

I was busy all day with a case of a missing woman. In the evening, I crashed on my bed. I was very upset because I still hadn't found anything. I did have some clues, but I couldn't make anything out. 

I hadn't eaten yet, so I got up and went to the cupboard. "No, shit!" Totally empty... So now I had to go to the shop to buy food. It closes at 8, so I still have half an hour.

 There I was, walking through the dark streets of London, the shop was only 4 blocks away so I would be there quickly. I was already thinking about what kind of goodies I would take later. Hmm... A healthy salad? Or pretzels? Maybe a chocolate cake... Or a Tewkesbury? 

Wait, what the hell did I just say? Uhm, I mean uhm... Why do I always think of him? I do miss him a little... but we are both busy with our own lives. 

Before I realised it, I was pulled into a dark alley. I was thrown against the wall by someone and fell to the ground with a loud bang.

 "AaAghW!"I groaned.

 "gotcha..." The now clearly visible man came down and had a  nasty smirk on his face, he grabbed my throat and pulled a knife out of his pocket.

first of all.. I'M CONFUSED-

I screamed as hard as I could and tried to resist. 

"If you don't cooperate, you're going to die, girl!" he shouted. 

"Oh wait," he said with a devilish look in his eyes. "you're going to die anyway." 

I panicked and started to hyperventilate. BUT I'm not Enola Holmes for nothing, I kicked in his nuts with my foot. "aaagh!" the man groaned in pain.  

This gave me the chance to stand up and kick him even more. But not everything can go well... he grabbed my wrists behind my back and pushed me over. I fell with my chin on the hard ground. "That's enough!" I screamed. I gathered all the courage I had and tried 'the corkscrew' again. I grabbed his hairy legs, tried that crazy trick and put all my strength into it. He started to stagger and fell headfirst into the stones. He was knocked out and I got away as fast as I could.

I ran  for miles and miles, and ouch my arm hurts. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that, the man also attacked me with his knife. I could always avoid it, except for that one time.... A huge cut on my upper arm. It bled a lot, but I tried to forget the pain and just kept running.

 I didn't know exactly what to do or where to go, all I could think of was; Tewkesbury. They said I was always welcome, well, now is a good time to take advantage of that. And then I could see that beautiful boy again... Wait what? Okay now I am shocked by my own thoughts...

So I decided to go to Basilwether, which is about half an hour from here. I walked to the end of the street, where I entered the forest. I walked along the path, between the trees. I heard and felt the twigs and leaves crunching under my feet, the howling wind moving the trees.

After another 15 minutes, the gate came into my sight, the gate to his house. I have been here before, disguising myself as a widow when I was looking for Tewkesbury. I'm thin enough to fit between the bars, so I crawled through. I made my way to the door (and believe me, that took a while) and rang the bell.

Tewkesbury pov:

I was sitting on the couch when I suddenly heard the bell ringing. 

"What? It's already 9 o'clock, who could that be?" asked my mother. 

I got up and walked through the door to the hallway, I undid the lock and opened the door.

"Enola? Oh my god what happened to you?!" There she was, all dirty and covered in bruises and blood. She was breathing heavily and had tears in her eyes. I was confused and didn't quite know what to do, so I pulled her into a tight hug. "ouch" She moaned and burst into tears. And then... everything went black. she fell but luckily I had a firm grip on her, I shouted as loud as I could; "mother!" ........ "mother!" she couldn't hear me.

Enola weighed quite light so I could just lift her. While supporting her head, I put my other arm under her legs. I stood up with Enola in my arms and turned to walk back inside. First I went back to the living room to let my mother know what was going on, she told me to go upstairs and put Enola on my bed. She sent a maid to help me.

 I walked back into the main hall and up the stairs. My room is around the left corner. There was a large king size bed, which I carefully laid Enola down on. she looked terrible.... What happened to the poor girl? I asked the maid to go and get a bowl and a washcloth, so that I could at least clean Enola's face and wounds.

When she came back, I thanked her and signalled that I wanted her to go out and leave us alone. I walked back to the bed, where the currently unconscious Enola was lying. I put the bowl down, took the washcloth and wrung it out. My hand went to her face and I gently wiped the dirt from her cheek.

Part 2 yaaaaay. Please correct me in the comments if you see a mistake. Please give me tips. Tell me if it's bad. Thank you. Also thank you for reading if someone does. (Exept Bitchinenola, couse I know you're here in exactly 10 seconds) I hope you enjoyed my trashy story.😀 It's 2:30 in the morning 😗 Bye.


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