Chapter 10

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Enola pov:

I was breathing heavily and still impressed about what happened 10 seconds ago.

When I turned around, I saw some people, including Tewkesbury's mother, staring at us with open mouths, I even heard a few gasps. Oh well... this was definitely one of the most awkward and beautiful and special moments of my life.

"ow-" Neither of us was very comfortable here and he asked me if I wanted to leave. I looked at him and nodded slightly.

Tewkesbury grabbed my hand and I got a devilish look from that stupid bitch who was still lying on the ground. I just laugh at her, in my head, because I didn't want more problems.

But then something else catched my eye. Or rather, someone. On the other side of the ballroom, a little more to the right, stood a man. He wore a suit with a long coat and a hat. He was acting strange... And it looks like I've seen that face before. For a second, the moment flashed past in my mind again;

I was pulled into a dark alley...

I was thrown against the wall....

He grabbed my throat and pulled a knife out of his pocket...

I screamed as hard as I could and tried to resist...

I panicked and started to hyperventilate...

And then I somehow escaped. I don't remember it very well because everything happened in such a rush. I was just too scared and didn't want to think about it anymore.

Indeed. I did not want to think about it any more. And certainly not now, after this magical moment. I tried to put these thoughts out of my mind and focus on what was happening now. I managed that quite well and a smile formed around my mouth again as I looked at our intertwined fingers.

Don't forget that I thought of all this in one second. Because immediately after Tewkesbury took my hand, we disappeared through the door together.

Chuckling, we ran hand in hand through the corridors, not knowing exactly where we wanted to go. "I have an Idea!" shouted Tewkesbury with a smile that was just a little too big. Or no actually not, I love nothing more than his cute little face. But beware, he is still the biggest nincompoop I have ever seen.

Suddenly his hands are on my waist and before I know it I am lying on his shoulder with my arms and legs flailing around. I yelled as I was slapping on his back, but when he started walking my voice got bumpy and that made me laugh.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, still laughing loudly. It was more like giggling, but like a choking goat or something...

The lock clicked off and Tewkesbury walked out through the back door. I had been upside down for at least two minutes now and my face was starting to turn red. That was from the blood rushing to my head, but not only that; I blushed like crazy thinking back to the kiss.

And then finally he puts me down again, I stand with my feet safely on the ground. I looked around and we were in his beautiful backyard, I even saw a swing hanging from the tree next to us.

"So are you going to tell me what was the point of that?"

"uhm let me think..." Tewkesbury took a step forward so that we were only a few inches apart. "nope."

He bit his lip and his eyes... they were... strange. Strange in such a way that you keep looking at them, to the deepest point, and get lost. I saw in them beautiful events in my life, with my mother and of course with Tewkesbury himself. At some point my thoughts return to the kiss. Again. I looked down at his lips, they were soft and perfectly formed. Our eyes locked again and in his I saw love, and lust.

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