Chapter 19

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 Enola pov:

Wow... That is... Well, um... 

"Enola? Hello? Anyone home?"

My head shot up at lightning speed; I drew big eyes and Tewkesbury looked at me.

" Are you all right?" He asked softly, but he was clearly amused because I saw a little smirk.

I was completely confused and had to shake my head to come back to reality. I didn't really realise it, but apparently I was staring at his um... bare chest. For a minute already? Why didn't he say anything earlier? ugh... Nincompoop.

 "Yes um... eheh." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Are you coming? It's quite cold here and we're soaking wet. You really need to get out of those clothes because I don't think that's healthy right now, you'll get sick later." 

That smirk again! It's driving me crazy... And I'm not talking about the negative way. Yeah shoot, I'll be making a face like that myself soon.

I put my hands on the ground and tried to push myself up, but since I had just risen from dead, I was not very stable. My legs gave out again and I was falling back towards the hard ground. I closed my eyes and mentally prepared myself for the hard smack I was expecting. I opened my mouth and was ready to scream, but that was not really necessary because I landed in something even softer than the clouds. I tilted my head back and above me hung that beautiful face that I love so much.

Tewkesbury had caught me with his hands under my armpits. His fingers came just a little too far forward, if you know what I mean, and they gave me tingles all over my body.

"Hey there." He said with a smile and just a little too much love in his eyes. I was a bit overwhelmed by my sight as he slowly approached. I felt his warm breath burning on my ice-cold skin, well that felt good. That burning feeling, however, was more in my lower abdomen. The millions of butterflies simply hurt.

I looked lustily at his lips, man I had missed them the last few days! And now I can finally feel them on mine again. Now even I could not suppress a grin, beware, I am very subtle. Hehe.

He came a little closer and I simply exploded. He opened his mouth a little and it looked like he was going to say something; "Does he always have to do this? Just kiss me..." I complained to myself.

"We have to go, your brother is waiting." Tewkesbury whispered against my lips and without any effort he pushed me upright again. I just wanted to curse harder than I had ever done before. Not funny...  

"Woo!" I shouted in a high-pitched voice. Before I even realised it, I was lying like a bride in his arms. 

"I do have feet myself..." I muttered just loud enough to be understood. 

"Yup, but they're not functioning too well at the moment." 

He is so irritating sometimes. Now maybe I couldn't complain after all, I was touching his still bare chest. His chest.

While I was still enjoying the piece of art right next to me, Tewkes was making his way through the rocks, back up.

Please no Mycroft, please no Mycroft...
"Sherlock!" I shouted happily and jumped out of Tewkesbury's grip to run to him and give him a hug.

"A long time ago." He smiled. "I am sorry this had to happen. Your 'boyfriend' was right, you really are a miracle. I never doubt that anymore."

Miracle? What? Well then... I let it go and looked at Tewkesbury. He was bent over with his butt towards me. I think he was picking up his clothes from the ground. Dammit.

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