Chapter one: Asking for it

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I was putting my finishing power on with my beauty blender, sitting on my fluffy white chair in front of my vanity. I was getting ready for a fun night out with my friends, and I had 20 minutes to get ready since I procrastinated until the last minute.

It was currently 9:10, and they were coming to pick me up around 9:30-9:45 so we that could hit the bars.I finished my face off with a nice mist from my Mac prep and prime setting spray, and pulled out my pink folding fan out of my drawer. I smiled as I fanned myself with my eyes closed, then gave myself a once over after I was finished.

I nodded in satisfaction and got up to find something to wear in me and Joels walk in closet. My heart was pounding a little faster than normal because Joel had no idea I was going out. I had asked him before he left for work this morning but he said no, to which I of course, argued, but was lowkey planning on giving in since I didn't really want that go that much anyways. That was, until he decided to open his big mouth.


"Please, please, please..." I continued repeatedly begging sitting on top of Joel's comfy lap.

"No little girl, you've had an attitude with me all morning, so now you'll stay in tonight and make it up to me." He smirked, but I could tell he was being 100% serious.

I immediately tried to protest. "Bu-but, Daddy-"

"I said no, Kai. And if you want to continue to argue, you'll be sitting on a sore bottom all day." He frowned down at me. I squirmed in his lap, wanting down, but he tightened his hold.

"Oh stop it. You know I don't like my little girl going to grown up places without Daddy. We wouldn't want you to get lost, now would we?"

It took everything I had to reply, "No, Daddy." Then got tingly all over when he hugged me to his chest, cooing at how much of a "good little girl" I was for him. He ended up being late for work... Again.

Anyways, jokes on him because right after he walked out, I texted the girls in my group chat that I would just love to go out with them.

However, if he got off early or if the girls were late, then he'd catch me and I'd get into trouble without even getting to go out. Then, all this (20 minute) masterpiece would have been for nothing. I at least wanted to go out now that I'm all cute (or whateverrr).

Finally, I decided on a cute off-the-shoulder black dress with some black heels. Simple but cute. Once I was dressed I curled my long brown hair quickly, then brush it out going for a wavy look and headed downstairs once I was done. I went into Joel's office and grabbed a neon sticky note and left a sly little message on it, sticking it on the dinning room table, knowing he'd see it there.

I heard a honk outside indicating that the girls were here already, thank goodness. I quickly grabbed my purse, which had my keys and phone inside of it, and locked the door on my way out.



It was now a little after midnight and I was already fucked. Up. I was a lightweight since Joel didn't let me drink, or do anything fun for that matter (like drugs and stuff), and I didn't particularly love the taste of alcohol, so I never was a big drinker anyway.

Tonight of course, was an exception.

I had two margaritas at AMIGOS, a popular Mexican restaurant that has buy one get one free margs on Thirsty Thursdays, and three shots at the club we were currently in.

I was currently dancing with Kate, a friend from class, while our other two friends were off dancing with random guys together.

We were definitely having a good time.

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