Chapter sixteen: Bad mood

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I wasn't in a good mood today.

At all.

It started when I woke up to an empty bed, which right away put me on edge. Joel apparently thought it would be a good idea to got to the gym before he had to work, instead of waiting until afterwards like he always did.

Usually, we waited for the the other to wake up, cuddle for awhile (and maybe have sexy time depending on our moods) then get up and eat breakfast together. But did any of that happen this morning?

Nope, sure didn't. Instead I woke up to a cold, lonely bed, alone and forgotten.

Overdramatic? Definitely, but I didn't care.

But what really pickled my chips was the fact that, instead of coming home after he finished working, he decided to go straight to work! He didn't come home and give me a kiss, or tell me to have a good day or anything...

So yeah, I was in a pretty foul mood today. After I figured out I wasn't going to see my baby daddy until way later, I sluggishly got myself ready for the day, and made myself some breakfast. I would've skipped it, just to spite him, but thought better of it. Today wasn't the day to add a spanking on top of my already bad mood.

After I ate, alone if I didn't mention that already, I grabbed one of my favorite stuffed animals and cuddled it on the couch while I watched The Aristocats. Both items providing a bit of comfort while I waited for my infuriating boyfriend to get off of work.

It was summer break so I didn't have any classes, and I didn't work today either, so I seriously didn't have anything to do.

I decided I would text Callan and ask him what he was up to, needing to take my mind off of my annoyance.

Hey Cal, I miss you! Wyd?

I hit send, hoping he'd respond back quick so I didn't have to sit here bored for much longer.

Thankfully, his response was pretty instant.

I miss you too! I'm not doing anything, wanna come over?

I thought about it. I wasn't supposed to leave without asking Daddy first. However that majorly intervened with my plan to ignore him all day. He already sent me a good morning text, which was actually a pretty cute little message, but I still didn't plan on saying anything back to him.

I could just leave without saying anything to him about it, but again, a spanking was the last thing I wanted today.

I sighed, and reluctantly sent him a text.

Can I go over to Callans?

Short and sweet. In hindsight, I should've at least texted good morning back first, just to be polite, but whatever. He was rude for leaving me alone this morning so he didn't deserve a good morning.

His response was faster than Cals.

No. And watch your attitude. You're already on thin ice.

I frowned, was he kidding?

I was on thin ice? Oh buddy's got me all the way messed up. And how could he possibly know that I had an attitude just from a single text? I decided then that I was going over to Callans whether he liked it or not.

I'm on thin ice for what? Not responding to your stupid good morning text after you left me alone this morning? I haven't seen Callan in forever so I'm going over, bye.

I couldn't even lie to you, I hesitated for a good minute before eventually sending the text. I guess a spanking would be worth it at this point, as long as I wasn't in immediate danger I didn't really care.

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