Chapter fourteen: Babysitter?

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I grumpily sat on our bed, my arms crossed over my chest as I waited for my babysitter to arrive.

Yeah you read that right, Joel was forcing me to have a babysitter despite my begging and pleading against the absurd idea.

I was a grown woman for goodness sakes, I didn't need a freaking babysitter!

I shuddered at the memory of trying and failing to convince Joel that same thing the night before.

*Last night*

"The last time I left you alone you didn't eat anything except for chocolate chip pancakes." He scolded, pulling back the covers getting ready to lay down for bed. "So I believe that you do need a babysitter, princess."

"I already told you that I wouldn't forget to eat again Joel!" I exclaimed impatiently from the other side of the bed.

"Unfortunately for you baby, I wasn't asking. And if I hear one more word about it, you won't like the consequences." He warned, raising an eyebrow.

"No babysitter!" I still yelled, my foot itching to kick something.

He calmly walked around the bed over to me, rolling up his sleeves.


I sighed in defeat, this wasn't even fair dude. Why oh why did I have to get stuck with a boyfriend that treated me like a two year old, and why oh why did I love it so much...

I glared at nothing in particular, already in a sour mood and it was only 8:30 in the morning.

"You better change your attitude before your babysitter gets here, little girl." Joel told me, appearing out of the closet and fixing his tie. He had to be to work at 9, and the babysitter (who he refused to tell me the name of) was supposed to be arriving any minute now.

I bit my tongue, wanting so badly to yell at him but refrained knowing he didn't care if he were late if it meant correcting my behavior.

I grumbled under my breath instead, wanting to go right back to bed instead of deal with this day.

I sank when I heard the doorbell.

"Go answer the door for Daddy, baby girl."

I sighed but stood up, walking out of our bedroom (still in pink pjs) to open the door, getting nervous all of a sudden.

I slowly approached the door, silently praying that whoever it was wasn't a narc like Joel. Hopefully they'd just let me watch myself, understanding that I wasn't a child that needed to be looked after while my overprotective boyfriend was at work.

I opened the door and tried not to scowl at the person behind it, but my mouth dropped when I caught sight of who it actually was.

Joels seventeen year old sister Josephine was standing before me, a bright smile on her baby face.

"Hi Kai Kai." She greeted way too happily, walking right past me and inside the house as if she owned the place.

Still in shock I slammed the door, and sped walked after her as she walked into the living room making herself comfortable.

"What are you doing here??" I frowned.

"Didn't Joel tell you?" She asked barley paying any attention to me as she turned on the TV.

"Tell me what??" I demanded impatiently.

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