Chapter seven: Shopping Daddy!

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I smiled to myself when I saw the cutest pink dress on SHEIN, and immediately tapped the "add to my cart" button when I saw that it was only six dollars. I scrolled down a little more and saw a variety of similar dresses. I couldn't help but to giggle to myself, mentally preparing myself (and my wallet) to go nuts on my favorite online store.

Suddenly, I felt a strong hand land on my legs, which had started to subconsciously wiggle in excitement. I looked up from my slumped position on the couch, and saw that Joel had both of my shins pinned to his lap to stop their jittery movements.

"What are you doing?" Joel asked me curiously, and lifted an eyebrow when I quickly sat up and dramatically shoved my phone deep inside the couch cushion next to me.

"Nothing!" I exclaimed a touch too loudly, knowing that I wasn't supposed to online shop without his permission.

He narrowed his eyes at my obvious lie, and I immediately knew his mind went to last week just as mine did. I blushed and decided to backtrack, not wanting another "lesson" over lying.

"I-I mean, I was just looking at some clothes online." I mumbled sheepishly, then looked down with a pout when I saw his displeased expression at my response.

...I may have had a history of spending close to my entire paycheck online shopping...

Aaaaaaand I may have been planning on doing that exact thing with the check that I had just gotten direct deposited into my account this morning.

"Kai, we've been over this." He told me deeply, his tone making me squirm.

"I know." I whined and looked up at him with my infamous puppy dog eyes, hoping that he would let it slide and just let me go shopping. "But Joel, I really really really need new clothes. It's been forever since I've gotten any!" I tried to reason.

Because it had literally been at least a month since I'd last went shopping, and the addict in me couldn't wait much longer.

His expression remained cold for a few seconds, but finally his expression softened and the corner of his mouth lifted slightly. I smiled widely and did a little internal dance, thinking that he was FOR ONCE going to say yes.

However, my expression quickly turned into shock when I was abruptly yanked from my position by my legs, and then pulled onto his lap with my legs on either side of him. He had one hand on the small of my back, holding me in place, and the other on my slightly bottom.

I blushed madly when I felt him squeeze the skin that was spilling out of my shorts. He gave me a few caresses, rubbing in slow circles and getting dangerously close to my special area. I couldn't help but to curl my toes wanting so badly to follow those amazing fingers, but stubbornly stayed in place.

"Joel...?" I mumbled.

I tried to sound firm but ended up sounding like I was asking him for something. I gulped and put a hand on his chest, pushing halfheartedly, wanting to get a little space between us so that I could think properly.

"What's wrong Kai?" He smirked at me and tightened his grip.

I frowned at his cocky expression.

"Stop changing the subject." I demanded.

"Oh right, what was it that you wanted again now?" He asked innocently, his eyes glowing mischievously. I glared at him in annoyance, and gave him a hard shove, my patience officially gone from not getting what I wanted.

"You know what I want, stop playing dumb!" I snapped in irritation.

A second later, I felt as well as heard a hand connect on my bare skin loudly, making me wish I had worn longer shorts today.

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