Chapter ten: If you're going to act like baby

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I looked back at him as if he had lost his mind.

"Um, no. I'm not taking a bath Joel." I snapped, not able to contain the sass oozing from my tone.

All the playfulness instantly dropped from his expression. Abruptly, he smacked my slightly upturned butt, and I yelped loudly my shorts doing little to nothing to help.

"If I have to start counting again kitten, you'll receive another spanking on top of the one you already have coming after bath time." He warned, his eyes dark and scary. Now, lift your arms up for Daddy." He repeated, his tone leaving no room for argument.

I gritted my teeth, not in the mood for yet another spanking and I looked away from him, lifting my arms reluctantly.

"Good girl." He lightly commended. He tilted my chin back towards him and gave me a soft kiss before helping me out of my shirt.

Taking his sweet time, he reached behind me and unhooked my lacy bra, holding my gaze the entire time he did so. He slid the bra off of me slowly, caressing my skin softly on the way down my arms, a trail of goosebumps following his light touch. That playful smile was back, and he ducked his head to lightly kiss my right nipple. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying my hardest not to make a sound as he did the same to my left. He pulled back much to my displeasure and slid me off the counter, setting me down on my feet. He took a small step back, and held my gaze as he knelt down on one knee, now looking up at me. Quite suggestively might I add.

My heart hammered against my rib cage and my entire body heated up, getting more and more turned on by the second. Still watching me, he yanked my shorts and panties down in one swift movement. I gasped and held onto the counter behind me, despite expecting the action. He tapped my leg, nonverbally telling me to step out of my clothing. I let out a shaky breathe and obliged, watching him throw them off to the side. I gulped when I realized his undivided attention was now on me, and he attempted to pull me closer, his intentions loud and clear, but I resisted not wanting to be teased anymore.

He growled at that, and gave me another painful spank on my backside, causing me to cry out and take a step forward in an attempt to get away from his demonic hand. He yanked me the rest of the way with a hand on my bottom and went straight in and kissed me lightly. A moan escaped from my mouth despite my useless efforts.

"Ah- Joel-" I cried, my voice pleading.

His tongue simply flicked against me a few times before he pulled away, standing up with a wicked smirk plastered on his handsome face.

He lifted me, setting me back up on the counter, and stepped back between my legs. He immediately connected our lips, his tongue pushing it's way inside my mouth, dominating every inch of it. He pulled my naked body flush against him, his hand on my lower back, and I cried into his mouth at the sensation of his slacks between my legs.

I fought my desires to roll my hips forward, and instead put both hands on his chest to push him back a bit. He paused and frowned down at me, displeasure deep in his expression and I looked away at the heat in his eyes. I put my hands down immediately, deciding to hold onto my thighs instead.

"Good girl." He whispered into my ear, then somehow held me even tighter. He nibbled on my earlobe and trailed feather like kisses down my neck, and I instinctively tilted my head to allow him more access. "Are you ready for your bath now, baby?"

My eyes flew open, not realizing when I had even closed them. I knew he wasn't really asking but still wanted me to answer him properly.

"Yes Daddy." I whimpered, with a sniffle.

He gave my bottom a few gentle rubs in appraisal, and took my chin in his other hand to pull me in for a few sweet pecks.

"Good girl. Now, don't move." He instructed sternly against my lips, tone promising punishment if not obeyed. A chill ran up my spine and he gave me one last kiss, that one a little ominous. He stepped back, and turned his attention to the bathtub.

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