Chapter two: Naughty kittens get punished

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I woke up abruptly, sitting straight up in bed, much too fast, might I add because not a second later I felt the pounding affects of all the alcohol I drank last night.

I groaned and held my head in my hands for a few moments, just rethinking life.

I then remembered everything that happened last night and groaned again, this time louder because of the slight sting I felt on my backside.


Definitely regret going out now, but at the time it sounded like a great idea and so did pissing Daddy off. At least I had fun though, because if I'd went out and it was lame, I would have been pissed.

I look over and realize that I'm alone in bed, which is exactly what I didn't want. I wanted to wake up first so I could think of a way to get out of this second punishment. I had no idea what he was going to do and I hated surprises. He usually never spanked me twice unless I'd done something really bad, and this wasn't that bad...


The door to our bedroom opened suddenly, causing me to jump which did nothing to help the ache I felt in head. I winced and held my head in my hands, once again.

"Good morning, babygirl." He greeted with slight amusement in his voice, clearly satisfied with the hangover I was experiencing.


"Morning." I grumbled back annoyed with this day already. I looked up at him as he walked over to me with water and a couple of ibuprofens in his hands, which I gladly accepted once he handed them to me.

"Thanks." I mumbled, took the pills and began washing them down with the glass of water. I stared at him while I drank, studying him to see how pissed he was.

At first glance he looked fine, but I knew him all too well. I could see tension in his posture above me and the glint in his eyes. Yeah, he was still pissed.


After finishing the entire glass, I put it on the night table and glanced up at him again. I took a deep breath and began:

"Look Joel, I understand why you're upset and everything but honestly do you really think a second punishment is necessary? I mean, clearly I won't do this again, I promise." I tried to coax, using my cuteness to my advantage while attempting to impersonate Puss in Boots' adorable expression.

He gave me a long look, one that made me drop my facade and cross my arms over my chest with a defeated pout.

"Princess, you broke many rules last night and trying to talk your way out of a punishment is another one of them. Are you positive that you want to continue?" His voice dropped an octave, but I only frowned. So he wasn't even going to let me explain myself? That's not fair! And I planned to tell him just that, but before I could even get a word out he cut me off abruptly. "Kai." He warned sternly.

I huffed, and started to glare at my lap harshly. I didn't know why he was being so mean, I didn't even really do anything. I just went out without his permission, big deal. I've definitely done worse.

"If I were you, I'd loose the attitude." He growled. "This is your only warning. Do not test my patience little girl."

I didn't know if it was the hangover that was affecting my mentality or maybe I was still a little drunk from last night. I really didn't know. But instead of apologizing, which I should have done, I gritted my teeth and l gave him a challenging look, one that dared him to make the next move.

He glared right back at me, unintimidated and put his hand on the bed next to me leant down until we were a couple of inches apart. He leant down until his lips were grazing my ear, "You naughty little brat."

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