Chapter nineteen: Family discussion

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My high had pretty much disintegrated as I finished my food as slowly as possible, an entire rock sitting in the pit of my stomach the entire time.

"More?" I questioned after turning in my seat to look up at Joel through innocent eyes when I finished, hoping he would say yes, even though my munchies were long gone.

"After we talk." He answered firmly from above me, him and Kyle disregarding their hunger completely, instead conversing lowly behind Sara and I as we finished our food.

I was guessing Kyle had said something to Sara as well, giving as she'd been silent this whole time, only shooting me looks full of dread, to which I returned with a mirrored expression.

I heard Martins deep voice and turned to look behind me curiously, spotting him walking up to us with a scary look on his face. He met my gaze almost immediately, and I quickly turned back around with a blush.

I bit my lip nervously, and looked over at Sara and shot her a meaningful look after seeing her almost empty plate.

Slow down!

I really did not want her to finish anytime soon, knowing that neither of us were gong to like what happened next.

Sara shot me a look, telling me that she was.

"I know you're stalling Sara. Stop or you'll finish later." Kyles voice boomed from behind us, causing Sara's eyes to widen.

Sara paused, and her cheeks turned a dark crimson before pouting, and noticeably speeding up.

In no time, she took her last bite and both of our chairs were pulled out simultaneously, causing a light scrape to sound against the checkered dinning room floor. A few heads turned our way at the sudden disturbance amongst the soft chatter, and I looked away in embarrassment from the attention.

I took Joel's hand uneasily and stood, wishing I were anywhere else but in front of Joel's entire family being reprimanded right now.

Gina had mysteriously shown up out of nowhere and walked besides Martin as he led us all out of the dining room.

I swallowed as Sara and I were guided through the living room full of conversing family members, everyone taking one look at Martins face and side-stepping to let us all pass through.

My heart started to race more as I accidentally made eye-contact with Joel's uncle, the same one with the big cigar hanging out of his mouth. He stood with an arm around his wife, and shot me a knowing look, a hint of amusement shining in his brown eyes.

I frowned and looked away with an internal humph. Screw Cigar Man.

I felt Joels protective hand curl around my waist and pull me gently to his side. I sighed and faced forward, leaning slightly into his comfort as we took a sharp turn into the huge hallway that led multiple doors, including Martins office.

I wondered briefly if I should make a run for it. I could make it, if I ran fast enough and lost him in the vast crowd. I dismissed the idea immediately, Joel would catch me and then swat me as soon as he had me in his proximity.

Before I knew it, we halted in front of Martins extravagant office entrance and I nervously shuffled my feet, wishing I would have never smoked that stupid freaking vape.

A four digit code was punched into the gold pin pad to unlock it.


His anniversary, I would have dwelled for the millionth time about how freaking adorable that was, but couldn't think of anything other than my raising blood pressure.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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