Chapter three: My naughty little princess

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I was walking out of school when I heard my name shouted from somewhere behind me. I looked back and saw Callan running up to me, waving his arms over his head comically looking similar to a frantic cartoon character. I stopped and got into the grass to let him catch up to me, chucking lightly. He was the same height as I was, a 5'7 blue eyed boy with cute wavy blonde hair. He was honestly adorable, though I'd never dare tell him that to his face.

I've know him since freshman year, we were in the same orientation group and forced to be partners during one of the lame activities. I immediately fell in love with Callan as soon as we started talking about our common interests, our top being our shared interest in art. He was majoring in art, while I was minoring and once we found that out about each other, we've been friends ever since. We drew together sometimes, usually when Joel went to work. Joel met Cal a few times and they got along pretty well, so he didn't mind when I hung out with him.

I watched as Callan accidentally bumped into multiple people, shooting them all a quick "M'Sorry!" before continuing his way over to me. 

Once he finally reached me, he tackled me into a bear hug, causing me to stumble back a bit before smiling and squeezing him back tightly. We haven't seen each other in a little while because of the recent break so we were happy to be seeing each other again.

"Nice to see you too, Cally." I smiled and rocked left to right with him slowly. He held on for a second longer before suddenly sagging into me, his breathing slightly irregular from the short run he just finished.

I just laughed at his theatrics.

"You walk too fast." He complained to me pulling away, his lips forming a small pout.

"I'm sorry." I apologized mimicking his pout, and messing up his soft hair knowing it'd irritate him. He swatted my hand anyway and frowned causing me to smile and shake my head at him. 

"What can I do for you, Cal?" I asked, giving him a smile. 

"Oh! Yes!" He said, seemingly just remembering what he was going to say. "Would you like to come over on-" 


Callan stops talking and we both turn our heads to find the source of the shout to see his tall brother jogging over to us. 

Cameron was basically Callan except for older and much larger. They were only a couple of years apart but a lot of people mistook Cameron for Callans dad, which he basically was.

Callan sank slightly next to me and let out a barley audible whine as we both watched Cameron approach. 

"Cammy, I'm-" Callan started, no doubt attempting to apologize for whatever he had done, but cut himself off after looking at his older brothers expression.  

"We'll talk about it later, Cal." Cameron said, his voice coming off as nonchalant.

He gestured for Callan to come closer to him, to which Callan obliged and walked over. Cameron hugged him to his side gently and started to rub his arm up and down. Callan snuggled closer to him slightly, and I cooed at the adorable sight before me causing Callan's cheeks to darken.

Cameron then turned to me and smiled. 

"Hi, Kai." He greeted brightly, sounding genuinely happy to be seeing me. He was always so nice. 

"Hi, Cam!" I matched his politeness and asked, "How are you?" As if I hadn't just seen him a few hours prior.

We had 9:00am Abnormal Psych together, so I saw him every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a couple of hours. We talked quite frequently since I often hung out with his younger brother. 

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