Chapter twelve: Behave kitten

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"Kai, lets go!" I heard Joel call from downstairs as I ran my brush through my curls for the millionth time. 

"Coming!" I yelled from in front of the mirror. I was dressed casual, in black jeans and an oversized light blue sweater. We were on our way to the mall to go suit shopping with Joel's younger brother, Kyle. He was getting married in December and wanted to start shopping now before the busy holiday season. 

"If I have to come up there little girl-" 

I tuned out the rest of his threatening words and ran downstairs, before he followed through. I gave him an annoyed look when I reached the last step. 

"I hate when you rush me Joel. I was just trying fix my hair." 

"You've been "fixing" your hair for the past 20 minutes." He rumbled, giving me a look. "Now let's go, we're late." 

I mentally rolled my eyes as he ushered me out of the door, barely giving me time to grab my purse from the coat rack. 

Ten minutes early was late to him, so I doubted we were actually late. 

Joel locked the front door, and we walked to the driveway, the sound of the autumn leaves rustling on the trees in the distance. I huddled closer to him for warmth, a small shiver running up my spine. Finally, we reached the car, and he opened the passenger door for me and I hopped in. He grabbed my seatbelt, and reached over me to buckle it in. A soft kiss was planted on my lips briefly, before he pulled back and shut the door to walk to the drivers side. 

I watched him for a second, licking my tingling lips before pulling out my phone to text Sara, Kyles fiancé, to tell her that we were on our way to the mall. Sara was a friend from high school and I actually introduced her to Kyle a couple of years ago. I invited them both to come out with me and Joel one night, just knowing that they would be cute together. I was right of course. They were so perfect!  And how cute that they were shopping for their wedding together too...

"Wait, I'm pretty sure it's bad luck for the bride to see the grooms suit or something." I said in a worried tone as soon as he opened the drivers door to get inside. I remembered hearing something like that from somewhere, and I did not want them to have any bad luck as newly weds. 

"Isn't it the other way around? The groom seeing the wedding dress?" He questioned, buckling his seatbelt then starting the car. 

"Maybe." I frowned, not very convinced. 

He chuckled. "Well, he's not buying anything today, he just wants to look around to get an idea of what they have. So, no bad luck." 

I smiled when his hand found my thigh and gave it a comforting squeeze. 

"Ok, good." I replied, looking out the window as he pulled out of the driveway, keeping his hand on my leg. 

I thought about it for a little longer, putting myself in the situation. I wondered if Joel would want us to shop together as well... 

"We're still shopping separately." I blurted.

"Are we?" 

"Yes." I told him sternly. 

"But, I wanted to pick out your dress." 

My eyes widened at the seriousness in his tone, and I gave the side of his face a look of disbelief. 

"Are you ser- Joel, no! That's bad luck!" 

He shot me a playful smile before turning back to the road. 

"Not funny." I stated, a smile breaking my face as I looked out the window. My smile faded slowly, wondering when or if we were ever even going to get married. I mean, Sara and Kyle only just met two years ago, and Joel and I have been dating for longer than that. 

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