Chapter eleven: Serious case of the grumpies

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I was laying on the floor playing a game on my iPad, halfheartedly listening to Mulan play in the background. Joel was reading a book on the couch, his reading glasses making him look older than he really was. 

Which was extremely sexy, might I add.  My legs were swinging behind me, before I eventually rolled around on my back with a groan, tossing my phone to the side as I did.  "I'm bored." I announced, looking up at him. 

He simply hummed in response, not at all responding the way I wanted him to. 

"Joeeelll." I whined. 

"No whining little girl." He scolded, still far too distracted for my liking. 

What was he reading anyways?! 

I squinted my eyes, not able to read the title clearly without my glasses, but saw the word "business" on the cover in bold letters. I rolled my eyes. Really? He was ignoring me for a book first of all, but it was a boring one at that. 

This just wouldn't do. 

I stood up and walked with purpose over to where he was seated, still having yet to look up from his dumb book. I stood in front of him and crossed my arms over my chest, my hip jutting out. 

"Daddy." I demanded, wanting his attention at once before I screamed. 

He chuckled under his breath, and finally put his precious book aside. His eyes lingered on my sassy posture, before looking up at me with that playful sparkle in his eyes.  "Come here baby." He demanded. 

I frowned at him, pissed that that was what he decided to say after ignoring me. 

"Are you serious?" I scoffed. "That's what you say to me after ignoring me for a stupid-" 

I cut myself off and jumped when he suddenly leaned forward and tugged on one of my folded arms, causing me to fall not so gracefully onto his lap. He wrapped a securing arm around me, successfully trapping me in place. I struggled in his hold uselessly for a minute, still irritated from being ignored until, I gave up with a huff of frustration. 

"Does my baby girl need another nap?" He questioned, kissing me gently. 

"Nooooo." I whined in objection after he pulled back, having a feeling he wasn't actually asking. 

"I think that you do. You've been awfully fussy today." 

"I have not." I argued with a glare, really not understanding how this had happened. How did wanting Daddy's attention, translate to me "needing" a nap. 

He raised an eyebrow and reached into his pocket, pulling out my-his pacifier. 

"But- but 'm not sleepy." I whimpered with a pout, already knowing that I wouldn't be able to take it out until he decided I could, a rule that I for some reason agreed to.

He just watched me, giving me his scary no nonsense eyes. I quickly averted my gaze, huffing again. I opened my mouth, allowing him to put the dreaded thing in my mouth, and grudgingly started sucking on it. 

He grabbed one of our throw blankets and put it around me, one arm still placed firmly around me. I sighed and relaxed in his arms, certain that I wouldn't be getting up for a while. 

"Sleep now, baby girl." He whispered with another kiss, then leaned over to pick up his discarded book. 

I swear I wasn't tired before, but his warmth mixed with the steady sound of his heartbeat was an invitation for a good K.O. I naturally fought my sleepiness for as long as I could, before darkness eventually took over. 

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