Chapter six: I can wear whatever I want!

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I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my reflection smile back at me in satisfaction. I had on a black crop top that tied in the front, with ripped high-waisted mom jean shorts, and platform leopard print slip on sneakers with a cute black faux fur clutch. I had my hair down, my curls falling naturally past my shoulders, and dangly gold earrings.

I nodded to myself with a look of determination then spun on my heel, and walked out of Joel and I's shared bedroom, marching down the hall and down the stairs on a mission to end this. 

Yes, I was going out again. Except instead of doing it in secret, I luckily had Joel's permission. 

But wait, there was a catch. 

I had to play this stupid game where I went downstairs a few hundred times, showing Joel potential outfits, and then listen to him say "no" to each and every one. It was a game I was all too familiar with, and I usually didn't mind playing because of how sexy he got when he was over protective, but not tonight.

This was the one and only outfit I was showing him because I was going out tonight. It'd been far too long, and I was determined to be out dancing with my friends in no later than an hour. No matter how unrealistic that sounded even in my own head.

I stomped down the last step, completely at the end of my rope already.

I opened Joel's office door and shut it none too gently, then I crossed my arms over my chest and openly glared at my not so favorite person right now. 

He was sitting behind his desk, still in his sexy work suit, and he looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. He had clear amusement dancing in his eyes, blatantly aware that he was getting on my nerves, which only succeeded in pissing me off more. 

I barely managed to keep my mouth shut as he proceeded to scrutinized me, looking me up and down slowly, his lips perched and his finger under his chin. I compulsively squirmed under his gaze, not being able to sit still with his undivided attention on me. I felt myself flush as his eyes unhurriedly traveled back up to mine. 

He leaned forward and watched me for a moment and I begun to grow impatient with having to wait for his answer. 

Please say yes.
Please say yes.
Please say yes. 

I couldn't help but to chant a few times in my head, knowing that it was futile, but hoping that for once he'd just say yes so that I could go already. 

"No." I heard him say sternly after a few seconds, and I couldn't stop the growl that escaped my lips as soon as the stupid word left his mouth. 

I immediately went off.

"I'm so over this Joel, you always do this! You shouldn't be able to tell me what I can and can't wear, I can wear whatever I want! I could go out in my underwear if I wanted to and there's nothing you can do about it!" I yelled at him, completely over it. 

"Is that so?" He asked with a head tilt.  

"Yes!" I exclaimed loudly and threw my clutch on the ground for emphasis. 

My stomach flipped involuntarily when he stood up from his huge black leather chair, and pushed it into his desk casually. I ignored the uneasy feeling I felt, far too irritated to fully register the subtle warning he was giving me. 

"You're being far too naughty tonight, I don't think a little brat like yourself should be going anywhere except for straight to bed. You're obviously cranky because you didn't take a nap today like you were supposed to." He rose an eyebrow.

I didn't know how he knew I had skipped my nap, but I didn't care, primarily focusing on the jibes.

"I'm not cranky, and I'm not a brat!" I retorted with a stomp, loosing my temper. 

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