Chapter thirteen: Let's "talk" baby

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I sat on the couch in my comfy lemon PJ's, waiting patiently for Joel to come back into the living room. Everything was going to be okay, I knew that. But that didn't mean I wasn't still pooping my pants, dreading this conversation. What if he didn't want kids? Or what if he wanted them, but wanted them now instead of waiting like I wanted to. I want to have at least two kids but not anytime soon, I still needed to finish school! Same with marriage, I didn't exactly want to get married right now, but if he asked me I definitely wouldn't say "no".

Fudge, I wish I would have brought this up to him a long time ago. It would've saved me many restless nights.

Joel emerged from the kitchen, and walked over to me with a tall glass of apple juice in his hand, only filled half way to the top.

He set the drink down on the side table, and picked me up from under my arms, getting me to stand only to sit down and pull me to sit sideways on his lap. He handed me the cup, and I mumbled out a small "thank you" taking it from him.

I started with a small sip, which quickly turned into large gulps, much thirstier than I thought.

"Slow down baby, you're spilling." Joel told me, putting his hand on the glass to gently lower it from my mouth, and taking it away from me. Sure enough, I felt apple juice drip down my neck and onto my chest, wetting the front of my tank top.

I blushed and looked at him sheepishly, embarrassed at the how incredibly messy I now was. "That's okay princess, you were just enjoying your apple juice." He assured, putting the cup on the side table and grabbing a Kleenex. "Maybe I should get a sippy cup for my messy little baby." He whispered softly, cleaning my face.

My breath caught in my throat at the suggestion, a wave of arousal washing through me at the thought of me drinking out of a freaking sippy cup. Nonetheless, I immediately protest the idea with a stumble of words, a large blush on my cheeks.

"Wh-what? No, I-I don't need-"

"We'll see." He cut off my useless protest, giving me a knowing smile. He turned to my pjs next, cleaning my fuzzy top. "We can get more thoroughly clean in a nice warm bath later baby. But for now, we have far too much to talk about."

My heart sped up, nervous all over again.

"Are you still thirsty?" He asked me., putting the tissues aside once he thought I was clean enough.

I shook my head, wanting to hurry and get this over with.

"Okay baby, lets begin then." He told me, pulling me closer to him. "Would you like to tell me what you were talking to Sara about?"

"Well..." I stalled, not knowing exactly how to start. "You know me and you have been dating for awhile now. Longer than Sara and Kyle." I started, focusing on tracing the pattern on his shirt, instead of those firm blue eyes looking directly at me.

He hummed in agreement, prompting me to continue.

"And-and they're getting married soon..." I continued, feeling like it was a million degrees in here.

"They are." He agreed.

"But- but me and you..." I drew out.

"Look at me please." My hands stopped moving, and my eyes reluctantly rose to his. "What is it baby?" He whispered as soon as we made eye contact, successfully causing me to melt into his soft voice and comforting ocean gaze.

I answered automatically.

"Are we ever gonna married?"

"We can get married today if you'd like princess." He answered without missing a beat, completely catching me off guard.

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