Chapter four: No time out Daddy!

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I plopped myself down on the couch and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at my lap grumpily. I heard the refrigerator door close and ignored Joel when I heard him walk back into the living room after putting our leftovers away. I already knew I was in trouble but I didn't care. The silent car ride home brought back my earlier feelings of jealousy so I was even more irritated than before.

I huffed loudly.

"Looks like someone is in need of a time out." He noted calmly, causing my head to snap up at his words. He then added, "and perhaps a nap", after I settled my heated gaze onto him.

He was currently leaning against the wall next to our bookcase, looking as collected as ever with his arms crossed over his chest.

"No, I think you're the one in need of a punishment." I growled back at him, my glare never wavering.

"Is that right?" He inquired with a slight head tilt. "How so?"

"You were the one who was flirting with the waitress." I snapped. "If that had been me, you probably would have taken me into the bathroom."

"I wasn't flirting with anyone except for you little girl. And you know full well why you're being punished, but we can get into more detail about that later, for now... I think you need to be put in time out." He informed me steadily, as if he were talking to a naughty child.

"I don't need a timeout!" I yelled back at him and resisted the urge to stomp my foot.

"I disagree," He said calmly and pushed himself off the wall before continuing, "and if you weren't receiving a spanking already, I would have taken the paddle to that naughty behind of yours for the way you've been speaking with me today. So I'd lower your voice and walk to the corner nicely unless you want Daddy to follow through." He advised me with a raised eyebrow.

I whined and gave into my urge to stomp my foot at his words. I didn't want a timeout!

"Now princess." He ordered sternly. "I'm not going to tell you again."

I groaned and walked heavily to the furthest corner from Joel, knowing from his tone that if I didn't move he'd follow through with his threat.

I huffed once I was in place, and pouted. This day was terrible, we were supposed to be having sexy time right now!

"20 minutes." I heard him call to me, his voice receding as he walked away, probably headed upstairs to our bedroom to change. Usually my time wouldn't be as long, but I knew my attitude was the reason for the increase.

I sighed.

I hated corner time, which was exactly why it was such an effective punishment. I was a ball of energy and hated to stay still, but if I moved too much while in timeout, my time would start over. So, these next minutes were going to be a world of fun.

I stared at the wall blankly, stubbornly thinking of anything but why I was put into the corner, knowing that's what Joel expected me to be thinking about. However, if he asked me why I was put in the corner once my time was finished and I didn't have the correct answer for him, he'd send my ass right back. Which would only piss me off even more, so I probably should be getting my story straight while I'm staring at nothing for the next 17 minutes.

I groaned and looked up at the ceiling with my eyes closed, just reevaluating my life decisions up until this point.

"Stay still and quite little girl, unless you'd like your 20 minutes to start over."

My eyes shot open at the voice that came from somewhere behind me and I jumped at the sudden noise. I refrained from turning around and telling him where he could stuff it, mostly because I wasn't stupid, and settled on glaring at the wall instead.

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