Chapter seventeen: Family dinner

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I stared at myself in the brightly lite full-sized mirror, fiddling with the the tan plaid skirt I decided to wear today. It was paired with a black turtleneck, and my chunky heeled chelsea boots. I went against the tights since it wasn't that cold out, and also I hated wearing them.

"You have three seconds before I come and get you little girl." Joel warned from the living room.

I rolled my eyes, grateful he couldn't see me inside our bedroom.

"I'm coming!" I called for the third time, giving my dress one last adjustment and grabbed a matching coach tan purse, quickly dashing out the bedroom door.

We were going to Joels parents house for Thanksgiving, and although I've been over there many times before, I could feel my anxiety flaring slightly at the thought of interacting with people.

"I'm sorry that I want to look nice for your family Joel." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I walked towards him, hating when he rushed me.

He pulled me close to him as soon as I was within arms reach, and kissed my lips gently.

"You'd look nice in anything babygirl, you don't need to fuss over yourself as much as you do."

I blushed, and mumbled out a "thank you, Daddy."

"You're welcome baby. Can you tell Daddy what the rules are for while we're there?"

I heaved a sigh.

"Do what Daddy says, and tell Daddy if I feel overwhelmed." I recited in a huff for what felt like the hundredth time.

I gasped when I felt a hand slip under my skirt and pinch my bottom sharply.

"Watch your tone princess or we aren't going anywhere." He warned.

"Don't have an tone." I frowned at him, attempting to push away from him.

Surprisingly, he let me go.

"Go grab your cup from the refrigerator, little girl."

My eyes widened, "my-my cup?"

"Yes darling, be a good girl and go get your cup please." He repeated.

I crossed my arms over my chest but faltered, knowing where this was going.

"I-Im not thirsty." I stated.

"I didn't ask you if you were thirsty." Joel rumbled, grabbing me and hoisting me on top of his hip.

I immediately started struggling, not wanting to be held at the moment, especially when he was holding me with his arm under my skirt, revealing my bright pink undies.

"Ouch!" I cried out at the slap on my bare thigh, kicking out at the sting.

"Behave yourself. If you keep fussing, I'll call mom and dad and tell them we won't be able to make it." He warned, walking us into the kitchen.

"N-nooo!" I whined.

I missed his family and I've been looking forward to today for months! They did the same thing every year, invited immediate family over to help prepare for dinner and then had the rest of the family arrive later on.

Joel opened the fridge with his free hand and grabbed my purple cup, which could easily be mistaken for a "sippy cup" because that's exactly what it was. I got it for my birthday, and I actually found it comforting at times, but I did not want to bring it with us, knowing that meant I'd actually have to drink from it if I didn't behave.

It was a warning.

He stuck it in the backpack he liked to carry around, filled with things he thought I might need while we were gone. It was a small Versace black leather bag, the thin straps adjusted to the longest point for Joel's tall frame.

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