Chapter five: You need to eat baby

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I was currently scrolling through Instagram on the couch, halfway paying attention to whatever show that was playing on the flatscreen in front of me. Joel was going to be home any minute now, and I had to admit, I was excited as hell to see him. 

I had the day off today, and decided to completely pamper myself. I had shaved, did a full body sugar scrub, deep conditioned my hair, plucked my eyebrows, and did a nice hydrating face mask. I felt amazing, and I couldn't wait for Joel to see the little glow I had going on. 

I looked up to realize that it was one of the many reruns of Spongebob playing on the tv, and decided to pay attention to the show instead while I, rather impatiently, waited for Joel to get home. 

Finally, after a few minutes the door opened, and I couldn't help the loud squeal that left my mouth in excitement as I jumped up from my spot on the couch. He gave me a big smile after he closed the door, to which I returned with a wide one of my own, and ran up to him, jumping into his waiting arms swiftly once I reached him. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, snuggling my head into his chest. 

I felt his arms wrap around me securely and sighed, feeling content as ever at the moment. 

"I missed you, Daddy." I breathed. 

I felt him chuckle and couldn't help the smile that spread across my face at the comforting sound.  "

"I missed you too, baby." He kissed the top of my head and released me, much to my displeasure. I made it known by whining under my breath and giving him a big pout. 

He chuckled again lightly and suddenly swept me off of my feet, picking me up bridal style and I yelped in surprise. 

He suddenly started to litter my face with loud obnoxious kisses, leading me to giggle as I tried to turn my face away from his lips. 

"Oh you don't want my kisses now, little girl?" His tone was offended but his look remained soft, amusement swimming in his eyes.  Suddenly my neck was attacked, which tickled terribly causing me to full on laugh and try to squirm out of his arms.  "No, D-Daddy stoooop." I whined with a laugh, trying to get away. I was extremely ticklish on my neck, which he of course found out very quickly after we started dating. 

He smiled against my neck and gave me one last kiss, walking us to the couch and sat down with me on his lap. I smiled at him and laid my head against his shoulder, snuggling my nose into his neck. 

"Do I have my extra little girl tonight?" He asked, his voice gentle and I couldn't help the fuzzy feeling I felt in my tummy. 

"Yes, Daddy." I whispered into his neck. 

Sometimes I felt extra little, and tonight was one of those nights. Usually when I was in this mentality I just wanted to cuddle and spend time with Daddy, which was exactly what I planned to do. I didn't go into my headspace that often because I didn't always feel the need to. I was a childish person naturally, and Joel knew how to keep me in line, which satisfied my need to be looked after and cared for. But tonight, I wanted even more attention from him. I was his extra little girl tonight. 

A loud grumbling sound came directly from my tummy, breaking me from my thoughts. 

"Oopsie." I pulled back and smiled up at him in embarrassment. 

"It's okay baby girl, it's your body's natural reaction." He assuringly told me, then continued, "What did you eat today?" 

Hmmm, what did I eat today? I thought about it for a second. 

"Oh! Don't you remember Daddy? I had those chocolate chip pancakes you made me this morning!" I told him excitingly. He made the best chocolate chip pancakes on earth, I kid you not.  "Yes baby, I remember. What else?" He prompted, his right eyebrow raising. 

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