Chapter nine: Princess is a brat

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I scrolled through Instagram and sighed heavily in boredom after I double tapped for what seemed like the 100th time. I could hear Joel in the kitchen making us yet another boring dinner, on yet another boring night.

It was currently day 1034 of quarantine, and I thought I was going to lose my mind. Joel wouldn't let me step foot out of the house because of this icky virus going around. Therefore, I've been stuck in the house except for the rare times that we went grocery shopping together. I guess he didn't want to leave me alone because last time I accidentally almost burned the house down while trying out a new s'mores recipe I saw on Pinterest. It didn't end well for the kitchen, or for my bottom. 

Anyways, on the very rare occasions where I did get to leave the house, he literally made me wear everything required by the CDC. A mask, face shield, gloves, and I fought the stupid gown thing with the exception of showering as soon as we got back home. I seriously couldn't take it anymore. I freaking hated this stupid virus, I wanted everything to go back to normal already! 

I groaned and threw my phone on the couch out of frustration. 

"This is so freaking stupid." I complained out loud, knowing that Joel would hear me. 

"Watch your mouth, Kai." I heard. 

I frowned at his response, or lack there of, and decided to push a little more. 

"Watch your mouth, Kai." I mimicked childishly, my tone mocking. 

It was silent for a moment, before I heard footsteps approaching. My heartbeat picked up as I saw him come into view. He leaned against the doorway of the kitchen with his arms crossed. His expression was neutral, but his eyes told me everything I needed to know. 

"What was that?" He asked evenly. 

Even though he was a few feet away, his Daddy demeanor would always make me melt like a popsicle on the forth of July. Since I could still feel the soreness from this morning, I made the educated decision to change my attitude a bit. 

"Nothing, sorry." I mumbled, and looked away from him, instead focusing on my purple sparkling nails. 

I heard him chuckle lightly, and looked up to see him gracefully walking towards me, doing absolutely nothing to calm my already pounding heart. 

Once he reached me, his hands hooked under my arms and he lifted, my legs wrapping around his torso. We walked to the loveseat and he took a seat, me sitting up on his lap. 

"I understand that you're having a hard time with quarantine, baby." He started, kissing my cheek as I pouted at the wall. "And I know it sucks having to stay inside for so long, but it's not only for both of our safety, but it's also for the safety of everyone else. You understand that right, my sweet angel?" 

"Yes, Daddy." I sighed, instantly melting from the appellation. 

"Good girl." He praised, then held my chin and pulled me to kiss his soft soft lips. He pulled back slightly and continued lowly, "However, if you continue to brat out at me, not only will I put you over my knee, I'll also be taking your electronics away." 

My eyes widened in disbelief. No way he was going to do that to me now, when there was literally nothing else to do. I pulled away from him, pissed off. 

"You can't do that, Joel!" I yelled at him. "It's way too boring-" 

The hand that was resting on my thigh disappeared and slammed down painfully a half second later. 

"Ow!" I yelped. I looked up at him, obvious hurt in my eyes. 

He held my gaze, and I gulped. I felt his thumb caress his now forming hand print, a soothing yet ominous gesture. 

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