Chapter eighteen: Family Thanksgiving

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*Disclaimer: this chapter will contain drug/substance abuse*

An hour later, we had the Turkey in the oven, along with three pies, prepped baked Mac and cheese, green bean casserole, ham, and homemade mashed potatoes.

It was a big oven.

"Come on Kai, let's go up to my room!" Jo suggested after cutting up the veggies, running up to Joel and I cuddling on one of the living room couches.

"Josephine." Martins voice warned from inside the kitchen.

"Sorry, dad." She called, before looking back at me with too much excitement.

My brows knitted together, what got her so hyped up?

"Yeah, sounds fun." I agreed, attempting to get up but was held back by Joel's arm around my waist, preventing me from moving even an inch away from him.

"Everyone will be arriving soon." He told us.

"We know, it won't be long." Jo rolled her eyes."Come on Kai!"

I went to stand again but was locked in place.

I looked over to glare at Joel, only to see his eyes narrowed at Jo, watching her with scrutinizing suspicion.

"Hmm, well you wouldn't mind if I came along then, would you?" He nonchalantly asked. "I haven't seen your room in a while."

Joel stood up without waiting for a reply, bringing me to stand up right along with him with the arm he had around me.

"No!" Jo disputed loudly.

He paused and I froze, subtly shaking my head at her. That was definitely not the way to get Joel to stand down, I sighed and turned to him.

"She just misses me Joel, and I miss her. We haven't been able to hang out in months, you know that." I pouted up at him.

He immediately softened.

"Pleeeeeas Joel, I promise we won't be long." Jo chimed, giving him her own pouty face.

Joel rolled his eyes but relented with an "okay", giving the side of my face a soft kiss before finally releasing me.

"But you two better behave yourselves." Joel warned lowly, giving us both a look that would send monsters running and hiding.

"We will." Jo laughed it off uneasily, while I swallowed with a hasty nod.

She grabbed my arm before he could say anything else, and announced a quick "we'll be in my room" to her parents who were still in the kitchen, before speed walking us to the spiral staircase.

I was huffing and puffing by the time we made it to the third floor, which was thankfully where her bedroom was.

"Come on!" Jo called, running ahead of me to her room.

I huffed but jogged after her, and immediately walked over to her pink and white couch and sat down, attempting to catch my breath.

"Why are you so excited?" I inquired, as soon as I could breathe properly.

"Wanna get high?" She asked out of nowhere, a devious expression painter on her baby face.

My mouth dropped, "What? Jo!" I stood, shocked.


"Girl what is wrong with you? Your dad is going to kill you if he finds out!"

"Yeah, if." She shrugged. "Come on Kai!"

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