Chapter eight: Crime and punishment

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Before I could even blink, he grabbed my arm and gave me five painful smacks, my shorts doing little to nothing to protect me from his hand of fudging steel. 

I yelped loudly and pushed my hips forward in a desperate attempt to get away. 

He let me go and crossed his arms over his chest as I tried my hardest not to jump up and down to try and take the pain away. I looked up at him, a look full of accusation. 

"Sit. Down." He repeated firmly, as soon as we made eye contact only this time in a tone that was much harder to ignore. He held my gaze, eyes glaring down at me, demanding me to be a good little girl and listen to Daddy. 

I obliged and dropped my eyes, taking a seat with a light huff on one of my many naughty chairs, despite my growing irritation. 

"I'd change the attitude if I were you little girl, unless you'd like to get into even more trouble." 

I frowned at his shoes but otherwise stayed silent, not brave (or stupid) enough to push him any further at the moment. 

He walked away, and I glared at his back as he walked out of the room. 

None of this would have happened if he just would of let me go shopping in the first place. He only let me go a few times a month, and it wasn't nearly enough. I needed to go a few times a week at least, always in the mood to add a "few" new pieces of clothing to my collection. 

Of course, as soon as Joel found out how much I was spending (about 300 a week), he immediately made it a rule that I could only go shopping when he says it was okay. More specifically: 

Rule #6- Princess will only go shopping when she politely asks for Daddy's permission. 

Within a month, I broke the rule 4 times for going online shopping behind his back. He had only found out because he accepted my last package from the UPS guy, and "persuaded" me to confess to the rest.

Now, I can't even so much as look at clothes online unless I've been given his permission. I definitely didn't have his permission today, but I didn't really care to.

Last night I was texting Callan and he told me about another sale SHEIN was having. I went to bed irritated that I wouldn't be able to buy any of the bright colored clothes until I asked Daddy first. As a result, I woke up this morning in a mischievous mood, determined to go shopping whether he liked it or not. 

That is, until he ruined everything. 

Although, I was partially to blame for deciding to online shop directly in front of him... 

I put my feet on the edge of my chair and hugged my legs, resting my chin on my knees, a deep scowl plastered on my face. 

Ugh. Why did he always have to be so annoying? He shouldn't be able to dictate when I could go shopping and when I couldn't. It was my money, if I wanted to spend it irresponsibly then that should be my decision. 

You know what? Fudge this!

I angrily started to look around for my phone, planning on getting everything in the freaking store at this point. I patted myself down, and when I didn't feel it anywhere, I looked under me. I groaned when I didn't see it, and instinctively held up my left wrist to ping my iPhone from my watch. I tapped the little phone icon, and heard the faint sound of my phone somewhere down the hall. 

Wait, I thought that I just had...? 

Oh my goodness... I literally forgot that I had stuffed it in the couch. Joel must of grabbed it when he went back out there.  Great.  I jumped when I suddenly heard foot steps approaching and subconsciously sat up straight, my nerves now beginning to rise. 

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