Chapter fifteen: That's a no no

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A/N: Hey, hi, hello, how are ya?

Please don't hate me, I've been in a hole that I couldn't get out of, but I'm finally starting to dig myself out (writers block is a son of a gun). I'm really sorry it took so long, forgive me 🥺😢

"Daddy" will be updated shortly after this one, I'm having a bit of trouble with the end.

ALSO, as I've stated already, "This story is a series of one shots based around my own personal fantasies." Most of my fantasies include spanking, if that's not your thing then please please just go (your comments seriously make me upset).

Anyways enough about me, please enjoy this chapter that most definitely has spanking in it ;)


Approximately fifteen minutes of me looking at nothing, for the second time today, Jo called me over.

"Are we ready to be nice now?" She asked as soon as I was standing in front of her sitting on the couch. Her arms were crossed and she was giving me her best "disappointed" face.

I rolled my eyes, thankful Daddy wasn't here to see.

"Yes." I answered anyways, wanting this day to be over already.

"Good. Now, Joel said it was okay if you took your nap now. He said something about you getting fussy when you get sleepy."

"No I don't-!" I cut myself off, knowing there was no reason to argue with her over this.

I was for real going to kill Joel when he got home.

She just smirked at me, and I huffed out a quiet "night" and stormed down the hall into our bedroom.

I laid down on my back with my arms crossed, glaring at the ceiling harshly. I was not "fussy" when I was sleepy. Even if I was, I'd be stupid Jo's fault. She was the reason I had to go into timeout twice within a span one one hour!


I shook her from my thoughts and grabbed Daddy's pillow, snuggling into it with a content sigh.

It didn't take long for me to fall into dreamland after that.


I woke up to a gentle kiss on my cheek, and I smiled knowing who it was. I was an extremely light sleeper, so the light feeling of his lips on my face, gently brought me out of my dreams. It was cute yet extremely cheesy, but I didn't mind. I honestly never did when it came to him.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my handsome significant other leaning over me, dressed in his after work clothes (white t-shirt, grey sweats).

"Good morning princess." He greeted even though it was well into the afternoon. His lips pressed against mint, and I kissed him back, missing him so much even though I was definitely mad at him for this whole babysitter fiasco.

"Morning." I murmured back completely disregarding my earlier irritation. He sat up and I took the opportunity to stretch, letting out a yawn while I was at it.

"Such a cutie." I heard.

I looked up to see him admiring me, causing an even wider smile to break my face. I stood up on my knees and hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He embraced me back tightly, his arms wrapping around my waist, and for a moment that's all I cared about. His strong on arms holding me safely.

I felt home.

"I missed you." I sighed.

"I missed you more, princess." He rumbled gently. We stayed that way for a moment until he pulled away to look at me. "Unfortunately, we need to have a discussion." He reminded, and I froze for a second at his words before quickly recovering.

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