~{Chapter 1}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku Midoriya had just moved into a new house, he had been living with he's best friend (Uraraka) after he's messy break up with he's ex, he hadn't planned on staying at her house but that was the only place he could go so oviously he went over there and ended up staying there for 3-4 months.

Thought now he has a good paying job with a good working environment! Izuku was able to save up enough money for a very cozy home.

So now he's here backing up the last of he's stuff and moving into he's new house, he had finally got all the stuff he needed for he's house, kitchen supplies, bathroom supplies, and everything you need in your house. He was happy with everything he got for he's house and the way he decorated it, it was perfect for lil ol Izuku!

 He was happy with everything he got for he's house and the way he decorated it, it was perfect for lil ol Izuku!

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^He's house^
*Cry's in broke and period pain*

He walked into he's new house and took a deep breath "A new start..." He thought as he walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. After he got he's drink he went up to he's room to binge watch super hero movie's.

He went up and grabbed he's laptop so he could watch the avengers (I'd just like to say... I've binge watched all the avenger movies-) he went on disney+ and looked for a movie, He ended up just going to the very first avenger movie (Captain America) he clicked the movie and waited for it to start.

~With Thotsuki~

Katsuki was sitting on he's bed bored, the old hag was out doing "Hot girl shit" as she put it, he didn't have anything to do and the hag wanted him to scar a few mortals or sum shit. That used to be fun but he did it so often that it eventually became boring.

after a lot of debate he desided "Fuck it, it's been awhile, maybe it'd be fun again" he thought as he got up from he's bed and telaported to the front of a random house, it looked quite cozy.

He flew up to one of the windows to see if anyone was home, thought he wasn't prepared for what he saw... He saw a boy he looked to be 16, he had beautiful green eyes, green and black hair, freckles, and a beautiful feminine body. He blushed furiously, at the boy, he telaported into the house so he could get a closer look, thankfully he can turn invisible!

He looked closer at the boy, he was beautiful... He stood there and admired the boy's looks he took a step closer...


The boy quickly looked up, he looked around the room and didn't see anything, he poused the movie he was watching, grabbed a pocket knife, then went to look downstairs

Katsuki quickly telaported back to he's room and sat down on he's bed "What is this felling...?" He asked hemself.

~Back with Izuwu~

Midoriya looked everywhere around he's house making sure nobody was there, then he locked all he's windows and doors, He wasn't taking any chances!

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