~{Chapter 18}~

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No one's POV:

Katsuki had woken up with Izuku by he's side, Izuku was sleeping peacefully while holding onto katsuki with a smile. Katsuki smiled at the sight, he was so happy that Izuku was he's lover and couldn't help but wonder "How did I got so lucky?", He might never know the answer to that question but katsuki was never going to take him for granted.

Izuku started to move in he's sleep, he yawned as he snuggled closer into katsuki

Katsuki couldn't help but chuckle "Morning nerd" katsuki said as he placed a kiss on izuku's forehead

Izuku sighed "Morning pinky..." He said tiredly

Katsuki growled "Really? I thought you forgot!" Katsuki said while holding onto Izuku tighter

Izuku giggled "you think I'd forget? Hell no! You were so cute in that onesie!" Izuku said with smile

Katsuki grumbled "I'm not cute I'm threatening..." Katsuki said with a pout

Izuku laughed as he untangled hemself from katsuki's grasp and got out of bed with a stretch "yeah okay pinky~" Izuku said as he went to hes closet to get dressed

Katsuki growled "Get the fuck back here! I wanna cuddle!" He said

Izuku grabbed some comfy clothes for the day "Oh yeah? Well I'm already out of bed so- WOAH-" Izuku was cut off by katsuki grabbing him with he's tail and slamming him back on the bed

Katsuki put hemself on Izuku wrapping he's arms around he's stomach so he could listen to izuku's heart beat "Now your back in bed" katsuki said as he started to doze off once again

Izuku pouted "Come on! It's almost 9 we have things to do" Izuku said while trying to get out of katsuki's grasp

"No." Katsuki said

"Yes. Now get up" Izuku said right back

"No" katsuki said once again

"Yes!" Izuku said again






"Oh for fucks sake" Izuku mumbled

Katsuki looked at Izuku "You've already used up your causes for the week!" Katsuki started

Izuku rolled he's eyes then got an idea "Have I now? I don't recall a damn thing" Izuku said with a smerk

Katsuki glaird at Izuku "Stop" katsuki said

"Stop what? I didn't do shit." Izuku said right back

Katsuki growled "Don't you dare say another word" katsuki said

"Fuck" Izuku said with a smerk, Katsuki hid he's face in izuku's chest while mumbling something, "If you get up I won't cuss for a whole week" Izuku said

Katsuki lifted he's head to look at Izuku "Make it 2 and we've got a deal nerd" katsuki said

Izuku sighed "Fine 2 weeks, now can we get up?" Izuku asked, katsuki grumbled but got up anyway.

Izuku laughed, he got up off the bed and went to pick up the clothes that he had dropped. Katsuki went to there closet and also got some clothes for the day. He put on some black sweat pants, black combat boots, a white tank top and put on a black and orange hoodie. Izuku put on black leggings, black boots, and a light green turtle neck. The turtle neck had long sleeves that almost covered he's whole hand(s)

Izuku went to the kitchen to get some food, he sighed as he closed the fridge door "Damnit, I didn't think we'd need to go grocery shopping so soon..." Izuku mumbled under he's breath

Katsuki came into the room with a sigh "I thought you weren't going to cuss" he said as he put he's hoodie on

Izuku giggled "Did I? I don't remember saying anything like that" Izuku said as he grabbed he's key's

Katsuki rolled he's eyes "Damn nerd... Whatever where are you going?" Katsuki asked

Izuku smiled "I'm gunna go get some food, I didn't think we'd need to go grocery shopping so soon... Wanna come?" Izuku asked as he grabbed he's wallet

Katsuki shrugged "Sure, let's go" katsuki said, Izuku nodded as he went down to the Bakery, katsuki fallowed close behind

It didn't take long for them to get there, Izuku went to grabed stuff like condiments, bread, creamer for coffee, soda and some other stuff.

Katsuki went to get ingredients for various foods and some new coffee cups becouse who doesn't want some new coffee cups that say fuck you/off on it?

He may or may not be getting stuff for Niji as well... But you didn't hear that from me. They meet back up with everything that they needed and went to check out, katsuki forgot something so he went to grab it while Izuku stayed with the cart in line.

Katsuki went to grab cheese as the back of the store, he grabbed 3 things of shredded cheese (All defrent kinds) and 3 things of normal cheese (Also all defrent kinds) as katsuki started to walk back he heard a scream from the front of the store then he heard a gun shot.

Katsuki dropped the cheese and ran to the front of the store hoping that Izuku was okay, once he got there he froze... There were at least 7 men wearing all black and wearing ski masks, they all had guns held up to everyone so no one could leave. But what he saw next made he's blood run cold.

Izuku was being held by another man... And had a gun to he's head, Izuku had tears running down he's face while trying to get out of the man's grasp, katsuki ran forward to where he was a closer to Izuku

The men put he's finger on the trigger "ONE MORE STEP AND HE'S DEAD!" he yelled, Izuku started to cry more as the man's hold on him tightened

Katsuki growled, he wanted to do so much to the man that held onto he's boyfriend but if he moved to fast or to slow he wouldn't have a boyfriend anymore, if he telaported closer the man might freak out and pull the trigger by accident, plus other people would see him telaport. So all Katsuki could do was listen to the man.

The man looked at Izuku then katsuki "Is he your boyfriend?" The man asked, when Izuku didn't answer he growled "I asked you a question... MUT" he said while bringing he's hand up to he's neck

Izuku sobbed "Yes! Yes.. he's my boyfriend" Izuku said while trying to hold back tears

"Oh?" He said while looking at katsuki "So would he be mad if I... Had my way with you?" He asked with a devilish grin

Katsuki's eyes widened "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare!" Katsuki said with an angry look, everyone else looked at the man wide eyed

The man's smerk widened "I think I will..." Izuku started shaking he's head, the man tightened he's grip around izuku's neck "Hold. Still." He said but before he could do anything the doors flew open to reviel a bunch of police officers

The man growled "Well before I go..."  He held the gun to izuku's back...


Izuku's eyes widened, he dropped to the floor, the officers shot the man down and other officer's got the rest of the men.

Katsuki ran to Izuku, he fell to the floor picking up Izuku's top half and held him "no no no no no no no no no Izuku hey wake up.. please hey please" katsuki said with tears forming

Izuku tried to keep he's eyes open "H-Hey..." Izuku said with a weak smile

Katsuki smiled weakly at Izuku "Hey... It's okay.. helps on the way" katsuki said with tears starting to fall

Izuku retched up to wipe katsuki's tears "I think I'm gunna take a nap..." Izuku said while closing he's eye's

Katsuki started to shake "No no no Please stay awake baby please" katsuki begged

Izuku fell limp in katsuki's arms...

Haha you'll have to wait next chapter to see what happens :)

I'm so evil! Anyway bye!!
Word count: 1,318

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