~{Chapter 4}~

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No one's POV:

It's been a month since the whole bonding moment, katsuki has been staying there every night and day to make sure he's okay... And maybe to get to know him more... I didn't say that- Anyway! Izuku didn't mind that katsuki stayed so often he liked the company katsuki did come in to the cafe every time Izuku forgot to make him he's coffee, Izuku didn't mind that much anymore... Exsept for the fact that he likes to flirt with him every time he comes in... Izuku didn't like that part but other then that everything was going good. Until today...

~With Izuwu~

Izuku was getting he's stuff so he could get to work but katsuki didn't want Izuku to go, not today

"Come on nerd just for today?" Katsuki kept asking, he had a bad felling that something was gunna happen and he didn't want Izuku to be there when this thing happens.

"Kachan chill, tomorrow's the weekend so we can hand out then" Izuku said with a smile

Katsuki didn't like this but he new he wouldn't give in so he did the next best thing "Fine, but I'm coming into work with you there is no negotiating this" katsuki said while turning into he's human form (Pic above)

Izuku sighed "Fine come on" Izuku said while putting he's shoes on

"Alright let's go" katsuki said while walking out the door with Izuku behind him.

As they walked to the cafe Izuku asked a question "So why did you want me to stay home today?" He said with a head tilt

Katsuki found this adorable "I don't know... Maybe I just wanted to spend time with my cute mortal" katsuki said with putting a arm around the smaller man's waist pulling him closer to him

"I swear if you keep this up I'm going to make you pay rent" Izuku said with a huge blush

"And I'd pay every penny of it~" katsuki said in he's ear

"S-Shut u-up" Izuku said while hiding he's blush with he's hands, after a few minutes they walked into the cafe.

Katsuki went to a booth playing a game on he's phone That he got thanks to izuwu and Midoriya got to work after already eating at home thanks to katsuki's amazing cooking skills.

Izuku made making a black coffee for katsuki and brought it over to him "Here ya go kachan" Izuku said with a smile

"Thanks nerd" katsuki said, taking the drink from Izuku. Izuku nodded and went to take other people's orders

The day went smoothly but katsuki's gut feeling didn't go away it only getting stronger. Katsuki kept a close eye on izuku making sure nothing happened to him and after 6 katsuki didn't want to be there anymore so he went over to Izuku and asked him if they could go home Izuku sighed and nodded. He went and told Uraraka he was going home early she nodded and Izuku went with katsuki to go home.

They we're walking home and katsuki was keeping Izuku close to him walking in a comfortable silence

"DEKU?!" Some one yelled

Izuku stopped dead in he's tracks, he's face pailed and he's eye's widened "No... Don't tell me..." Izuku said while turning around and there he was... He's EX

Katsuki was confused but he figured this was what he's bad filling was this dude.

"Deku it's been so long! Where have you been?!" Izuku's ex yelled while grabbing onto izuku's shoulders

"I-I-I've b-been w-working..." Izuku was shaking in place and flinched when he grabbed him

"Well how about you come with me before something... Happens" he said grabbing onto Izuku tighter

Katsuki was pissed. This dude was touching what was he's, Izuku looked beyond scared of the man grabbing onto him and he threatened him. Katsuki was ready to kill.

Katsuki grabbed the man and threw him off of Izuku then grabbed Izuku and hugged him close "You don't get to touch him" katsuki said with a scowl

The man balanced himself "What the fuck did you just say to me?! Why don't you go and mind your own goddamn business!!" The man yelled at katsuki "Now give him here before things get bad." He threatened

Katsuki growled "Don't Tell me you think you can just touch what's mine then threaten me, I'll fucking end your life if you so much as lay a finger on him." Katsuki threatened right back

The man tch'd "Alright whatever fucker, now come here deku before things get nasty... And maybe when we got home your punishment won't be so bad" the man said

Izuku started to tear up and shake even more "N-No... P-Please... N-Not again..." Izuku whimpered

Katsuki had just about had enough "Your not touching him understand you fucker?!?!!" Katsuki yelled "Now run along or it'll cost you!!!" Katsuki said holding onto Izuku tighter.

The man was pissed and started to get closer to Izuku he put he's arm on he's shoulder firmly holding it, Izuku kept wimpering and shaking in katsuki's arms and once he felt a hand on he's shoulder he flinched hard.

Katsuki had enough, he grabbed the man's arms making him let go of Izuku and looked him right in the eyes, katsuki's eyes turned completely black the man's eyes widened he tried to get out of the katsuki's grip but katsuki only gripped harder then the man desapeard.

Katsuki's eyes turned back to normal and katsuki's attention went back to Izuku, he picked up the scared boy bridal style holding him close. When they got back home katsuki sat down turning back into he's demon form, he put Izuku on he's lap holding him close

"Shhhh... It's okay he can't hurt you anymore... I promise... I'm here now" katsuki wisperd into izuku's ear trying to calm him down, Izuku was holding onto him for dear life crying into katsuki's chest.

Katsuki kept him close, Izuku started to wemper out small sentences like "Not again" "Please don't" "I'll be good" "I'll do anything just don't send me back" and "I'm sorry" it was ovious that Izuku was in an abusive relationship and right now he was going through a spiral of memories from that relationship.

Katsuki just sat there wispering sweet nothings into izuku's ear trying to calm him down, after awhile Izuku calmed down and fell asleep in katsuki's arms,

Katsuki wasn't going to let go of him and definitely wasn't going to be leaving him alone for awhile, a little while later katsuki also fell asleep while cuddling Izuku.

Word count: 1,108

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