~{Chapter 6}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku woke up on katsuki once again for the 3rd time in 24 hours, Izuku honestly didn't know how the hell he ended up becoming so attached to the demon but he is attached to the demon and he was getting free cuddles so he wasn't going complain.

Izuku got up from he's comfy place on the demon to get ready for work, a little while later and he was ready to start he's day. He walked over to he's kitchen to make hemself a cup of coffee before he left and also making katsuki coffee as well.

Once he was done making the coffee katsuki came down "Hey nerd.." katsuki said in a tierd voice

"Morning kachan! Your coffee is by the coffee maker, I gotta go to work bye!" Izuku said as he put he's shoes on

Katsuki groand "It's Monday already?" Katsuki said annoyed

Izuku hummed in return while grabbing he's key's "I gotta go bye!" Izuku said as he left.

Katsuki sighed as he saw Izuku leave, he really wanted Izuku to stay but he needed the money for he's house and even though katsuki could just make money out of thin air Izuku really likes he's job despite it being stressful at times he loved it. So katsuki wasn't going to make him quite he's job (As much as he wanted him to)

Katsuki went up to izuku's room with the coffee in hand and sat down on izuku's bed where he had been sleeping with Izuku for the bast few days, katsuki really didn't know how he felt towereds the green bean but he new it wasn't just in a friend ship kinda way the more he thought about it the more he realized just how protective he became of him. It wasn't surprising considering he's a demon with fellings but over a mortal? It just didn't make sense to katsuki.

Was it love?

It all clicked for katsuki. It was love, love can make you do unrational things, it made you protective, it made you a lot of things and katsuki was feeling it all. He couldn't help but purely think of the green haired boy, Yep it's definitely love he thought

Now came the important question Was dating a mortal legal? Not that katsuki cared but was it? Just as he was debating on whether it was legal or not he's mom appeared in front of him.

"KATSUKI!" she yelled, katsuki was starteld by the sudden noise and almost dropped he's coffee... "Oh sorry, anyway! I came to meet the mortal!!!" She said excited

Katsuki scoffed "First of all! What the fuck?! And second he's not here. He's at work" he said while taking a drink of he's coffee

"Ohhhhh.... So where dose he work just out of curiosity?" Mitsuki said

Katsuki rolled he's eyes "And why would I tell you that?" Katsuki said oviously anoyed

"Come onnnn I'm your mother! Just tell me where he works!" She said getting annoyed

They continued to argue like this for what seemed like hour's and in a way they had been, to be precise 3 hours of just arguing about where Izuku lived and when she got to meet him and to there luck Izuku got to come early today

Izuku walked threw the door seeing 2 demon's yelling at each other, this was new... Izuku closed the door behind him and the 2 demon's heads snapped towereds Izuku.

Izuku smiled and waved "Hello?" Izuku said not sure what to do

Mitsuki ran over to Izuku grabbing he's face "OH MY GOD!! YOUR ADORABLE!!!!" she said with a sequel "OH LOOK AT YOU WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL GREEN EYES!!!!" She said with excitement, she then went to grab he's hand and spun him around to get a look at he's body "Ohhhh and your body oh my! It's flawless! Your just so gorgeous!" She said while grabbing he's shoulders to look him in the eyes "How old are you?!" She asked

Midoriya had no idea what was happening but he wasn't going to question it at the moment "U-Uh 21?" He said confused as to where this was going

"Oh my god... Even your voice is perfect... Oh getting off track! Your 21?!" She asked still giving direct eye contact

"Y-Yes? I-If I may ask.. W-Who are you?" Izuku asked

"Oh my apologies!" She said with lettering go of Izuku "I'm Mitsuki! I'm katsuki's mom, nice to finally meet you!" she said with a smile

Izuku returned the smile "I'm Izuku Midoriya! It's nice to meet you to!" Izuku said

Mitsuki couldn't help but squeal at Izuku's smile, it was adorable! Well everything about him is...

Katsuki was just standing there glaring at he's mum before he looked back at Izuku "Why are you home early? Did something happen at work?" katsuki asked while walking over to Izuku

Izuku just giggled "No nothing happened, but the boss told me to take a week off sense I've been working without a brake, so I got to go home early!" Izuku said with a reasuring smile, a smile that katsuki couldn't argue with when it was present

"So... 1 week of you relaxing correct?" Katsuki said in a stern voice

Izuku giggled again "More or less" Izuku said truthfully while rubbing the back of he's neck

Katsuki scoffed "You WILL be relaxing understand nerd?" Katsuki said with a glair

Izuku nodded "Yes sir!" He said with a smerk, katsuki smiled and ruffled izuku's hair

Mitsuki staired the whole time just watching them talk to each other without a care in the world. Mitsuki fake coughed to get there attention in which she succeed.

"So Izuku! Tell me about yourself!" Mitsuki said while grabbing Izuku and setting him down on he's chair while Mitsuki sat in the other

Izuku sighed then smiled again "Okay.. sure, what do you wanna know?" Izuku said.

And that's how  the rest of the day was spent. Izuku and Mitsuki talked about their days, how they were doing, about themselves and so on and so on. Katsuki somehow ended up laying he's head on izuku's lap while Izuku gave him head rubs as katsuki dozed off, Mitsuki found this adorable but didn't say anything because she wanted them together. After a while of talking she desided to leave the green bean and the angry pomeranian alone so they could do whatever they did... Get your mind out of the gutter.

When she left Izuku turned on the TV and watched something on Netflix as he stayed seated while giving katsuki attention, once he watched a few episodes of One day at a time he got tierd so he went to wake katsuki up so he could go to bed.

"Kachan.. wake up" Izuku said trying to wake up the dandelion,"Kachan! Wake up!" Izuku said while shaking him a bit

Katsuki opened he's eyes "What...?" Katsuki said not fully awake

"Come on get up I wanna go to bed" Izuku said with a sigh. Katsuki didn't want to move so what'd he do? He telaported them into izuku's bed that might ass we'll be there bed.

Katsuki put the cover's over there body's then snuggled up to Izuku, Izuku sighed and dug he's face into katsuki's chest not even bothering to ask about it.

"Night kachan..." Izuku said while falling asleep

Katsuki smiled "night nerd" katsuki said falling back asleep with Izuku in he's arms

Word count: 1,254

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