~{Chapter 15}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku huffed anoyed, he had been going threw houses, apartments, and even warehouses for the past week and a half, but katsuki didn't approve of any of them and Izuku was starting to get anoyed, he's gone threw over 100 by now and yet katsuki didn't like any of them.

He honestly was running out of places to look at but even so Izuku wouldn't give up, not yet at least...

Izuku looked at he's old apartment complex, a small smile made it's way onto izuku's face, he's mom died a few years back which forced him to move in with he's ex. He looked at he's old home with a sad smile, memories of him and he's mom started to invade he's mind, he could feel tears in the corner of he's eyes as he remembered what happened that awful day of he's mother's death...

~Flash Back~

Izuku was walking back to he's and he's mother's house, Izuku had been gone all day becouse he's ex (Should I name the ex?) Wanted to have some "fun" with Izuku and it ended up with Izuku on the ground, naked, and with burn marks all over he's body. This was normal of course, it just lasted a few extra hours. (God I hate writting this)

Once Izuku got to he's house he went inside locking the door behind him, he walked to the kitchen to see he's mom had left a note on the counter


Hey sweetie, I was called into work today to fill in for one of my coworkers, I'll try to make it home early.
There's food in the fridge and there's money on the counter if your in the mood for takeout!

Love you! -XoXo Mama

he note^

Izuku sighed, he knew he's mother worked a lot and that it was much needed to keep the apartment but it would still be nice if she was around a little more.

Izuku went to get the food that was in the fridge, he was hungry though he'd only be able to eat about half of it. He took the food and started to eat and as he expected, he could only eat half, Izuku put the rest away for later.

Izuku went to he's room and sat down on he's bed, he had a horrible feeling that something was going to happen, he didn't know why but he just had a feeling that something had happened or was going to happen, but why?

Izuku though about it for a moment before he just couldn't take it anymore, he picked up he's phone and dialed he's BFF's number and waited for her to pick up.

On the 2nd ring she answered "Hellllloooooo?" She said on the other line

"Hey Rara! Wanna come over? I need a distraction" Izuku said with a smile

"A distraction? From what? Also I'm already out the door" he heard a door close on the other line

Izuku sighed "I've had this awful feeling that something's gunna happen, it's making me feel sad" Izuku said with a frown

He heard Uraraka gasp from the other line "Nope! Can't have a sad cinnamon roll! Nope, not on my watch!!" She said, he could just see her cheeky grin

"I'm not THAT much of a cinnamon roll..." Izuku mumbled, but sense Uraraka could understand everything when it came to izuku's muttering, that wasn't that hard to hear you know, because she didn't have to translate it.

"Do you know how baby's are made?" She asked

Izuku rubbed he's temple "Yes, I do... Please don't give me the talk" Izuku said while going to the living, he turned the TV on putting it on the news channel, he wasn't really paying attention to it but he still kept it on

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