~{Chapter 9}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku was sitting on he's chair reading a book, sense he quite he's job he really had nothing to do exsept relax and that's exactly what he did. Izuku was looking for another job, preferably one in the coffee department.

As Izuku was about half way threw a page katsuki came bursting threw the door making Izuku jump

"Nerd!" He said while walking over to Izuku

"Uh yes kachan?" Izuku asked with a head tilt

Katsuki looked at him "Did my mom come over at all this past week?" He asked while crossing he's arms

Izuku chuckled "Uh no" he went back to he's book to see where he had left off

Katsuki stared him down "What did she show you?!" Katsuki yelled

Izuku laughed "Nothing! I promise" he said while looking up at katsuki with a smile

Katsuki sighed he went to walk away and as soon as he was near the kitchen

"You looked cute as a baby" Izuku said with a chuckle

Katsuki turned around to see Izuku holding in a laugh "and that pink onesie, so cute!" (The pic above but instead of black and orange it's pink and white) Izuku snored at katsuki's reaction

Katsuki was fuming with a light blush on he's face, "Your dead" katsuki said while running at Izuku

Izuku giggled running away from katsuki, he kept throwing other cute memories of katsuki as a baby which made even more flustered, After 20 minutes katsuki finally cought Izuku, katsuki grabbed Izuku and started to tickle him

Izuku tried to get out of he's grip of course he didn't but he tried. Izuku was laughing and giggling while katsuki had a smerk on he's face, Izuku fell to the ground in hopes of getting out of katsuki's rath but katsuki came with him tickling him even more

"S-Stop!!! I c-can't breath!" Izuku said threw laughs, katsuki didn't listen and just continued "K-kachan!! PLEASE!" Izuku said with tears in he's eyes katsuki again egnored he's pleads

Then the door bell rang.

Katsuki stopped tickling him and Izuku tried to calm down so he could get he's breath back

Katsuki sighed "I'll get it. And we're not finished nerd!" Katsuki said getting up,

Izuku giggled "Mhm sure... Pinky~" Izuku said with a snort

Katsuki growled and opened the door "What?" Katsuki said with an anoyed expression

"Uh is Izuku here?" Uraraka asked

Katsuki rolled he's eyes "OI NERD YOUR FRIENDS HERE!" katsuki yelled

"Okay pinky!" Izuku yelled while walking to the door,

katsuki growled again "I'm not getting rid of that nickname am I?" Katsuki said when Izuku got to the door

Izuku giggled "Nope!" Katsuki sighed walking away cursing under he's breath, Izuku looked at Uraraka with a smile "What can I do for you?" He asked

Uraraka smiled "Looks like your black eye is gone! That's good!" Uraraka said, then she smerked "You getting any other type of black mark?" She asked with a eyebrow wiggle

Izuku turned beat red "URARAKA!" Izuku said while covering he's face

Uraraka giggled "Alrightttt calm down,  how have you been?" She asked with a smile

Izuku calmed down stepping aside to let her in, Uraraka walked "I've been good, you?" Izuku asked letting her sit down

"I've been good, and you have yet to tell me who gave you that black eye" Uraraka asked while plopping down on the chair opposite to Izuku

Izuku sat down in he's chair "Uh well... It was actually the boss, which is why I guite" he said while grabbing a random book

Uraraka gasped "Really?! Why'd he hit you? Not that anything would excuse what he did but still, why?" Uraraka said

Izuku looked up at Uraraka "he punched me because I wouldn't sleep with him..." Izuku said, Uraraka gave him a look that said exsplain, he sighed "He had been flirting with me for awhile, then he started to get more touchy I never said anything because I thought he'd lose interest... He didn't. About 2 weeks ago he forced me to give him a blow job and he did that for almost a week then when he wanted to go further I told him no, he punched me after that..." Izuku said with a few tears running down he's face

Uraraka looked at Izuku with horror, she had no idea this had happened to Izuku, she was mad, sad, irritated, and blood thirsty. She got up and hugged Izuku "I'm so sorry... I should've protected you" Uraraka said  with a sad expression

Izuku chuckled "it's fine..." Izuku said hugging back

Katsuki stood by the tv (he's invisible) looking at Izuku and Uraraka. He was pissed, he knew what he was gunna do to todoroki now... He poofed straight to the cell todoroki was in and got to work

Izuku and Uraraka continued to talk with a smile on there facees without a care in the world, they talked about anything and everything. When it was around 7 Uraraka left to go on a date (Who? I don't know... Take a guess 😚💅)

Izuku closed the door behind Uraraka then sighed, he went to he's room and layed down on he's back looking up at the ceiling, he had noticed katsuki wasn't there he had assumed that he had went to yell at he's mom about the baby pictures but he didn't expect him to be gone so long, thought it also didn't surprise him either.

Katsuki then appeared right on the side of izuku's bed, scaring Izuku

"Jesus kachan! Your gunna give me a heat attack! Warn a guy!" Izuku said

Katsuki chuckled "Nah, it's funner to scare the shit out of you" katsuki said with a smirk

Izuku sighed "Yeah okay... By the way where did you go? To yell at your mom about the baby pictures?" Izuku said laughing

Katsuki glaird at him "Yes I did. Now I've still gotta punish you don't I?~" katsuki said now smerking

Izuku stopped laughing and looked at katsuki "U-Uh d-did you say p-punish?" Izuku said with slight worry in he's voice

Katsuki climbed on top of him pinning him down on the bed "Yep~ a punishment~ but this is gunna be enjoyable~" katsuki said kissing izuku's neck

Izuku moaned softly with a blush growing on he's face

Katsuki took he's head away from izuku's neck "Now~ where should I start?~"

If you haven't already guessed there's gunna be smut in the next chapter, so prepare for that 😚✌️
Word count: 1,092

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