~{Chapter 8}~

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No one's POV:

It's been a week since the whole boss thing and things between Izuku and katsuki are.... Awkward.

They ended up having a make out session right there because katsuki apparently didn't know when to stop so know katsuki gets to deal with he's mistake, Izuku had just gotten back from work.

Izuku walked into the house with a heavy sigh as he closed the door, Izuku went up to he's room and plopped down on he's bed snugging Into a pellow, He fell asleep not long after.

Katsuki was on the chair watching TV thinking about Izuku (as you do) he saw Izuku come in and walk up to he's room tiredly without a word.

Katsuki really wanted to cuddle him... Was he going to? Yes.

So he got up from the chair and went up to izuku's room, as soon as he was up there he could hear the light snores coming from Izuku, katsuki couldn't help but give a genuine smile at the sight. 

He walked over to the bed, got under the covers and cuddled Izuku making sure he was close to him. Izuku snuggled close to him in he's sleep, katsuki kept him close listening to he's heart beat.

It sounded like music to he's ears, he didn't know how much time had passed but he knew he had been a while considering the fact that the sun was rising, he didn't even remember it going down.

Izuku's alarm went off for work, Izuku got up and got ready for work not even realizing he was sleeping with katsuki and katsuki noticed.

Katsuki turned invisible so Izuku didn't notice, Izuku walked back into he's room dressed and ready for the day, Katsuki looked in shock at what he saw.

Izuku had a black eye....

Katsuki was furious. He got up walked right behind him and turned visible again which scared poor Izuku

"Oh my god kachan! You scared me! Where did you even come from?!" Izuku said looking at him from the mirror with a sigh completely forgetting about the black eye

"Where'd you get it?" Katsuki asked with an angry expression

Izuku looked confused "Where'd I get what-" Izuku stopped talking once he realized he was talking about the black eye "O-Oh..." Izuku said raising a hand to he's eye

Katsuki tured Izuku around so he could look him in the eye "Who did this?" Katsuki asked with a snarl

Izuku looked down "L-Look I gotta g-get to work... I'll see you-"

"It was your boss wasn't it" katsuki said while touching izuku's black eye to which Izuku flinched when he touched it.

Katsuki sighed "Okay here's what's going to happen, your going to quit your job and I'm going to come with you okay?" Katsuki said in a stern voice

"No I can't!" Izuku said

Katsuki scoffed "Why not?!" He said while throwing he's hands up in the air

"I need the money to keep the house!" Izuku stated "Now if I don't go now I'm gunna be late!" Izuku said trying to leave

Katsuki placed he's hands down on izuku's hip to keep him in place "I can take care of the money problem. Now let's go" katsuki said while grabbing Izuku and leading him out

Izuku huffed but fallowed anyway, the walk there was quite. katsuki was planning a murder and Izuku was humming a song he's mother used to sing him when he was panicking or on the verge of a panic attack it never failed. Izuku remembered about the black eye and pulled out a eye patch and put it over he's eye (it's not a pirates eye patch +-+)

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