~{Chapter 10}~

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OooOoOOoOooOOOOOoOOoOooOOOO double digits! Anyway enjoy the smut your horny fucks
No one's POV:

"Where should I start?~" katsuki said with lust in he's voice, only a few moments later katsuki got off of Izuku and sat at the end of the bed "How about we start with a blow job?~" katsuki said with a smerk

Izuku blushed madly. He got up and got between katsuki's legs, he started to undo Katsuki's belt, then he's jeans, then he pulled katsuki's man hood out of he's pants

Izuku's eyes widened "H-How am I g-gunna fit t-that in my m-mouth?! That's g-gotta be a-at least 7 inches!" Izuku said

Katsuki smerked "Well actually it's 7 and a half, good guess though. Now get to sucking" katsuki said with pride

Izuku hesitantly grabbed katsuki's dick, he licked up he's shaft then started to suck. He started to bob he's head up and down Katsuki's shaft surprisingly getting most of it in.

Katsuki moaned out while throwing he's head back, Izuku was surprisingly good at blow jobs but that probably came with the sexual trama. Izuku swirled he's tongue around katsuki's shaft.

Katsuki put he's hand threw izuku's hair as he sucked on katsuki's dick, katsuki could feel a knot in he's stomach signaling he was close, katsuki tuged on izuku's hair making him moan which sent vibrations down Katsuki's shaft. Katsuki moaned out as he came in izuku's mouth, Izuku opened he's mouth to show he swallowed

Katsuki smerked "Good boy~" he patted he's lap signaling for Izuku to sit, Izuku got up and sat on katsuki's lap straddling him, katsuki grabbed izuku's chin "Open." Katsuki demanded.

Izuku did as told and opened he's mouth, katsuki stuck he's tongue in izuku's mouth for an open kiss exsporing every inch of izuku's mouth making Izuku moan into the kiss, katsuki flipped Izuku over to where he's back was on the bed.

Katsuki put he's nee between izuku's legs rubbing he's crotch, Izuku moaned into the kiss once again. They separated for air only a string of saliva connecting them, katsuki grabbed izuku's wrists holding them down with one hand the other hand Katsuki snapped he's fingers making he's and Izuku's clothes disappear then he brought he's fingers up to izuku's mouth

"Suck~" Katsuki said, Izuku took katsuki's hand putting 3 fingers into he's mouth coating them in saliva, when katsuki though it was enough he took he's fingers out of izuku's mouth and stuck one in, then  another, then another. Katsuki started to thrust he's fingers in and out  bending them as he went.

Izuku moaned out in pleasure with every thrust, once katsuki though Izuku was prepped he took he's dick and lined it up with izuku's hole, katsuki pushed the tip in making Izuku moan out.

katsuki pushed the rest in with a grunt "God damn your so tight~" katsuki said while holding izuku's hips, katsuki then started to thrust in and out at a normal speed not wanting to go to fast yet

Izuku moaned out "F-Faster~" Izuku said with a moan

Katsuki smerked "Beg" katsuki said simply

Izuku grabbed katsuki by the horn pulling him down "Please fuck me harder daddy~" Izuku moaned into katsuki's ear

Katsuki blushed "Such a bad boy~" katsuki said with a smerk. Katsuki then began to go faster while leaving hickeys on izuku's neck, Izuku moaned out katsuki smerked "Found it~" he said, he bite down on izuku's neck leaving a love bite.

Izuku moaned loudly "T-There!~ right there!~" Izuku moaned, Katsuki then started to thrust at a non-human speed hitting he's prostate every time, Izuku moaned loudly with each thrust

Katsuki put he's hand on izuku's neck choking him while holding izuku's hands with the other, and wrapping he's tail around he's hips to hold him still while thrusting. Izuku moaned loudly he's eyes rolled back as he came without a warning.

Izuku's walls closed around katsuki's dick, katsuki moaned "F-Fuck~" katsuki said, he looked at Izuku. Izuku's eyes were half shut, he had a look of pure bliss on him with pretty pink cheeks and there was some saliva coming out of he's mouth, that was enough to push katsuki over he's limit. Katsuki came in Izuku with a loud moan, Izuku moaned loudly once again as katsuki's cum filled him up.

Katsuki waited a minute before pulling out and plopping down next to Izuku, once they both got there breath back Izuku snuggled up next to katsuki tiredly, katsuki rapped he's arms around Izuku protectively

Izuku smiled "Night... Kachan" Izuku said falling asleep in katsuki's arms

Katsuki smiled "Night nerd" katsuki said while falling asleep

~Le Next Day~

Izuku woke up to katsuki gently shaking him "Mmm...?" Izuku said tiredly

"Get up I made breakfast" katsuki said poofing away

Izuku yawned with a stretch, just as Izuku was gunna try to get up katsuki reappeared by the bed "Where are you going?" Katsuki asked

Izuku looked at him confused "To get... Breakfast? Like you told me to?" Izuku said more as a question

Katsuki sat down beside him with breakfast "Here" katsuki said handing him a plate with a breakfast burrito "It has bacon bits, eggs, cheese, and sausage in it" katsuki said

Izuku smiled "It looks delicious!" Izuku said taking the plate from katsuki "Thank you kachan~" Izuku said taking a bite of the burrito

Katsuki watched at Izuku ate the food as he ate he's own burrito (It's Spicy) once they finished eating katsuki took there plates and put them in the sink, then telaported back to the bed and sat down next to Izuku

Izuku looked at katsuki "I need a bath... But uh..." Izuku started

Katsuki looked at him "But what?"katsuki asked

Izuku sighed "I-I can't w-walk..." Izuku said with a heavy blush

"Oh... Right" katsuki said with a realization

"C-Could you telaport me t-to the bathroom?" Izuku asked with a head tilt

Katsuki picked Izuku up telaporting them both to the bathroom, katsuki put Izuku on the toilet "I'm gunna run the bath then get us some clothes" katsuki said

Izuku nodded "C-Can it be a b-bubble bath?" Izuku asked while looking down

Katsuki smiled "Of course" katsuki placed a kiss on izuku's forehead "I'm gunna get us some clothes okay?" Izuku nodded as katsuki poofed away to get them clothes, after a few minutes katsuki came back with clothing for the both of them

Katsuki turned the water off, he put Izuku in the bath (He was still naked) Katsuki took off he's sweat pants and boxers then got in the bath with Izuku (he's behind him)

~After There Bath~

Katsuki took Izuku out of the bath and snapped he's fingers dressing him and Izuku, katsuki was wearing another pair of gray sweat pants and a tank top. Izuku is wearing one of katsuki's black hoodies with a skull design on the front with black booty shorts and thigh high kitty socks.

Katsuki picked up Izuku and walked to the living room, katsuki sat down on the chair, he put Izuku in he's lap then gave him the remote, Izuku of course choose One Day At A Time,

Izuku layed he's head agenst katsuki's chest as he watched he's show, katsuki put he's arms around Izuku watching the show with him

They relaxed like this the whole day.

This took longer to write then I thought it would, but here you got your smut and after care.
Word count: 1,260

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