~{Chapter 11}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku went up to katsuki and poked him, katsuki looked at Izuku "What nerd?" He asked, Izuku kept poking him in the arm "What?" Katsuki said again, Izuku again egnored him and kept poking him, katsuki rolled he's eyes then grabbed Izuku by the arm pulling him down on the chair he was sitting on

Izuku giggled and snuggled into katsuki's chest, katsuki sighed "You we're hoping this would happen... Weren't you?" Katsuki asked while rapping he's arms around Izuku

Izuku smiled at katsuki "Maybe, maybe not. You'll never know" Izuku said leaning he's head on katsuki's chest

Katsuki sighed then rested he's head on izuku's head closing he's eyes,

"BAKUBRO!!!!!!" someone suddnly screamed

Izuku yelped at the sudden noise hiding in katsuki's chest, katsuki looked up at the figure in izuku's living room

"What. The. Fuck. Shitty hair?!" Katsuki yelled

"Woah bakubro! Chill! I just came to see you!" The man said, then he looked at the boy in katsuki's arms "Oh, who is this?" He asked while pointing to Izuku

Katsuki growled, the man retracted he's hand holding it close to he's chest "This is mine. Now what do you want?" Katsuki said holding Izuku closer to him

"To be honest I was bored, so I asked your mom where you were she said here, so here we are!" He said with a shrug "Now introduce me to your lover!" He said with a grin

Katsuki growled "Fine, This is Izuku Midoriya. Nerd say hi to shitty hair" katsuki said while petting izuku's hair

Izuku looked up from katsuki's chest "H-Hi..." Izuku said shyly

The man smiled "Oh my god! Your adorable! Hi my names Ejiro kirishima, nice to meet you Midoriya!" The man now known as kirishima said with a thothy grin

Izuku smiled at him "C-Can I call you k-kiri? I-I like giving p-people nicknames..." Izuku said with an embarrassed look

Kirishima smiled even brighter "Is that even a question?! Of course you can!! Can I call you midobro?" Kirishima said smiling

Izuku smiled back with he's famous closed eye smile and nodded, katsuki buried he's face into the crook of Izuku's neck, Izuku smiled and patted bakugos head giving him head pats

"Oh my god... You've tamed the beast... Not that that's surprising, your adorable!" Kirishima said with amazement

Izuku giggled "Thanks but I'm not that cute" Izuku said with a smile

Kirishima scoffed "Bullshit! Your adorable and I don't wanna hear another word." Kirishima said patting izuku's head

katsuki looked up at kirishima to see him touching Izuku, katsuki glaird but kirishima was to mesmerized by izuku's soft fluffy hair to notice

"So... Fluffy..." Kirishima said with a smile

Izuku smiled "Y-Yea... I-It's v-very fluffy" Izuku said leaning into kirishima touch

Kirishima looked at katsuki then Izuku then katsuki again "Bakubro... Could I borrow him?" Kirishima said

Katsuki immediately growled "Over my dead fucking body!"katsuki said with a scowl

Kirishima gasped "No cussing Infront of the bean!" Kirishima said while covering izuku's ears

Katsuki growled "I've cussed Infront of him before! It's not like he's gunna repeat it!" Katsuki argued

Izuku removed kirishimas hands from he's head "I'm gunna go make some coffee... Do you guys want some?" Izuku asked while getting up from katsuki's lap

Kirishima smiled "I would like some! Any creamer is fine" kirishima said

Katsuki scoffed "I'd like some to..." Katsuki said crossing he's arms with a huff

Izuku giggled "Alrighty!" Izuku said as he walked to the kitchen to make coffee

Kirishima looked at katsuki "Bakubro... How in the hell did you get so lucky?" Kirishima started "I can't even talk properly Infront of Denki and yet your here living with this cinnamon roll" kirishima said with a pout

"Well I'm just better then you shitty hair" katsuki said rolling he's eyes

Kirishima sighed "Bro you can't cuss so loudly! What if little ol Izuku hears? He might repeat!" Kirishima said looking to see if Izuku heard

Katsuki tch'd "Whatever. It's not like he'll repeat-"

"SHIT" they suddnly heard from the kitchen

kirishima and Katsuki ran to the kitchen to see Izuku looking frustrated while looking at the coffee maker

"Nerd...?" Katsuki said with surprise

Izuku looked up at katsuki and kirishima to see them worried and surprised "O-Oh hey kiri, kachan sorry I can't make your coffee, the coffee maker is broke" Izuku said with a huff "I just get it to! I swear I'm gunna give those assholes-"

Kirishima cut him off with a huge gasp "Bakugo! Look what you did!" Kirishima said while pointing to Izuku

Katsuki scoffed "I didn't know he would repeat it!" Katsuki defended

"Well you should have thought ahead!" Kirishima argued

Izuku looked between the two "What are you arguing about...?" Izuku asked confused

Kirishima looked at Izuku "Bakugo tought you to cuss" kirishima said simply

Katsuki groand "I didn't teach him anything! He repeated!" katsuki argued

"This is about me cussing? Oh I do that all the time!" Izuku said with a smile

Katsuki's jaw dropped "SENSE WHEN?! I'VE NEVER HURD YOU CUSS BEFORE!" Katsuki yelled, kirishimas eyes widened at Izuku's statement

"And for good reason" Izuku said with a playful eye roll

Kirishima looked between them "Hold up... Dose Denki cuss?!" Kirishima said before disappearing

Izuku giggled "So... Bakubro?" Izuku said with a smile

Katsuki shook he's head "It's a stupid nickname he gave me, god I hate nicknames" katsuki said with an eye roll

Izuku looked at him "Dose that mean you don't want me to call you kachan?" Izuku asked with a head tilt

Katsuki looked at him "No no no no your's is an exception" katsuki said while walking over to Izuku to give him a hug

"Are you sure? If you really don't like it then I could-" Izuku was cut off

"No your not fucking changing it. There is no negotiating this" katsuki said while hugging Izuku

Izuku giggled "Okay if you say so" Izuku said hugging back

Katsuki looked at Izuku "And no more cussing" katsuki said sternly

"You don't really get a say in that" Izuku said while giving katsuki a boop

Katsuki chuckled "Fine 3 cusses a week" katsuki said

Izuku giggled "Fine by me" he said while going to grab some water

Katsuki sighed "It's going to be so weird hearing you cuss..." Katsuki said while leaning on to the counter

Izuku smiled "Yeah, just wait until I say fuck" Izuku said while taking a drink of he's water

Katsuki choked "WHA-"

A little shorter then normal but kirishima was in this chapter, hope you enjoyed!
Word count: 1,111

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