~{Chapter 5}~

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no one's POV:

Katsuki was laying down cuddling Izuku, Izuku started to wake up he was cold so he snuggled into the warmth, the warmth that seemed to breath... Izuku soon realized he was cuddling the blond demon and the blond demon was holding him.

Izuku tried to get out of the Demon's grasp but wasn't succeeding so he just gave up tried to go back to sleep so when he couldn't do that he grabbed he's phone (Which just so happened to be in reach) and started to watch jacksepticeye's videos until katsuki ether woke up or he turned over nether which he was going to do anytime soon.

After 3 videos Midoriya got bored, setting he's phone aside he turned around still in katsuki's arms and snuggled into he's chest

"Getting comfortable are we?"

Izuku's eyes widened and he let go of katsuki "S-Sorry I-I didn't m-mean" he started blushing with embarrassment

katsuki grabbed Midoriya pulling him closer into he's chest not wanting him out of he's reach "Shut up I was joking." Katsuki said while playing with izuku's hair "How the fuck is your hair so goddamn fluffy?!" Katsuki whispered yelled frustrated

Izuku giggled at he's statement and started to snuggle into katsuki's cheat again with a slight blush, katsuki continued to play with izuku's hair "So how are you feeling nerd?"

Izuku froze at the question "W-What do you mean...?" Izuku said while hiding he's face

Katsuki sighed "You know exactly what I mean, how are you feeling after last night?" Katsuki said

Izuku really didn't want to remember last night especially after he freaked out. "I'm fine...." Izuku said turning the other way trying to avoid he's gaze

Katsuki was getting mad, it was ovious that Izuku was lying about how he was feeling and katsuki wasn't going to have it. he sat up bringing Izuku with him, he sat him in he's lap to where they we're facing each other "I repeat" katsuki grabbed izuku's jaw forcing him to look katsuki in the eyes "How. Are. You. Felling." Katsuki repeated slowly

Izuku tried to not look him in the eyes but it was almost impossible "I-I...." Izuku started but he began to tear up "I-I'm sorry... I just..." Izuku closed he's eyes so he wouldn't have to look him in the eyes

Katsuki new this was a sore spot for him but he needed to know what he did to him so he could give him a proper punishment in hell. "Izuku" katsuki started

Izuku's eyes shot open, he looked at katsuki with surprise "did he just use my first name... And not a... Nickname?" Izuku though

"What did he do to you?" Katsuki asked in a stern voice. Izuku couldn't hold back the tears, katsuki let go of he's jaw and put izuku's head in he's shoulder

"H-He would... H-Hurt me if I did something w-wrong" Izuku was having trouble getting a sentence out from he's crying

"Take your time..." Katsuki said while rubbing circles on he's back.

Izuku didn't talk for a bit trying to calm down a little before telling him about what happened between him and he's ex, you see he's never actually told anyone about how abusive and toxic there relationship really was all anyone new was that they we're a cute couple and that they had a messy break up. No one new what happened behind closed doors. Only the people behind them.

When Izuku finally calmed down enough he lifted he's head from katsuki's shoulder "I guess I should start from the beginning..." Izuku started "When we first got together everything was great, we went on dates, we communicated, we we're happy... Or at least I was... About a month in he started to become more... Handsy?  It was small at first... Like holding me by the waist, making small remarks about my body.... Then he got drunk one night and kept touching me I tried to tell him I didn't want to but... it was useless" Izuku paused for a minute trying to collect himself before continuing "Let's just say I lost my virginity that night..." Memories started to flood into izuku's mind of that night that horrible night...

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