~{Chapter 3}~

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No one's POV:

Midoriya was grabbing he's stuff so he could get to work but katsuki stayed the night last night and now katsuki wouldn't stop bothering him about the holy water and asking how he got it, Midoriya kept telling him to leave it alone but of course katsuki didn't listen and kept pushing.

"Come on nerd! Tell me where you got it from!" Katsuki yelled while Midoriya grabbed he's key's

"Look can you leave it alone? I have to go to work" Midoriya said while putting he's shoes on

"Tch fine but when you get back your going to tell me!" He yelled with gritted teeth

Midoriya sighed and went to work not wanting to talk about it anymore. Once Midoriya got to work he put on a smile and acted like he was fine he's had plenty of practice when it came to hiding his feelings, not even Uraraka he's bff could tell when he was upset, This was a good and bad thing.

Midoriya carried on with he's day like it was any other day, he helped customers, he cleaned, he delt with Karens, stupid kids, the list gose on and on. Thought he could do almost everyone's job so he did what he could.

Once the day was over he really didn't wanna go back home but he really needed to take a shower and relax, he hoped that katsuki wouldn't be there like he was most nights but it's katsuki we're talking about, of course he was gunna be there.

When Midoriya got home he didn't see the blond demon anywhere. He sighed in relief and went to get ready for the night not thinking to look for the blond demon.

Once Izuku got out of the shower he got dressed and went up to he's room and guess who was there? Katsuki was of course. Izuku sighed and flopped down into he's bed not bothering to engage in the demon

"Giving me the silent treatment?" He asked while sitting down on izuku's bed

"No I'm just tierd" Izuku said while snuggling into he's pellow

"Bad day?" He asked

Izuku just nodded "I had to deal with a few Karens, I couldn't even tell them to leave I could only smile and be polite" he said with a heavy sigh, katsuki nodded and put izuku's head on he's lap

Izuku looked up confused "Don't think to much about it nerd" he said with a huff, Izuku giggled and snuggled into katsuki's lap, which of course made bakubabe blush but we don't talk about that... Not long after Izuku fell asleep on katsuki's lap and katsuki wasn't going to move a muscle, he was gunna let him sleep even if it killed him. Katsuki soon fell asleep as well while holding the green bean.


Izuku woke up first, he got up from the demon's lap yawning he looked over at the demon he was just sleeping on and got up to get ready for the day with a slight blush,

Once he was ready for the day he went to check on the demon, he was still asleep so Izuku grabbed a blanket and covered him up Then he left for work.

He got to work with he's little blush still there, Uraraka came up to him with a apple guessing he hasn't eaten breakfast and she of course saw the blush on izuku's face, she had a smerk on her face "Did you run into someone cute?" She asked with a eyebrow wiggle

Izuku took the apple and sighed "No I didn't now go to work" he said while taking a bite out of the apple

Uraraka laughed "Okayyy but your telling me about it on lunch break" she said before walking away

Izuku smiled and took another bite of the apple before going to work, dealing with some more Karens threw out the day until it was around 2 in the afternoon and a certain blond walked in.

Katsuki walked in but he looked human, he walked up to the counter and tapped izuku's shoulder "Oh yes...?" Izuku said while looking up once Izuku saw who it was he's eyes widened "K-kachan?" Izuku asked

He simply nodded "Make me what you make me every morning" katsuki said with a smerk, Izuku sighed and nodded going to make he's order.

Uraraka of course walked up to Izuku "Uhm excuse em mwa, how do you know him and what dose he mean by what you make him every morning?" She asked while Izuku made he's drink

"It's nothing..." He said while finishing up the drink

"It's not nothing!... Omg... He's the one that made you blush this morning!" She said while smiling

Midoriya started to blush again "No stop" he said while putting the lid on katsuki's drink, Uraraka started so smile wildly while squealing

Izuku sighed knowing he couldn't change her mind so he just walked away to bring katsuki he's drink "Here ya go!" He said with a smile

Katsuki blushed and took the drink handing him a 20$ bill, Izuku sighed "Cash or change?" He asked

Katsuki simply started to walk away "See ya at home!" He said while leaving the cafe

Izuku new for a fact Uraraka hurd that and he sighed "damn you kachan" he swore internally. He went back to work while Uraraka tried to figure out what he meant by see ya at home though Izuku would not budge so Uraraka just gave up and let it be and Izuku was planning on throwing holy water at him for pulling this stunt.

The day was over and Izuku went straight home ready to face he's Demon's literally. He walked threw the door to see a smug looking demon "I swear to whatever God is out there if you don't poof away I'll throw holy water on you kachan" Izuku said pissed

"Whoah calm down there cowboy.. speaking of holy water where'd you get it?" Katsuki said with a smerk while floating above izuku's chair,  Izuku suddnly Remembered the conversation of yesterday morning, Izuku really didn't want to talk about it but he new katsuki wasn't going to give in and suddnly stop just because he told him to stop.

"I'm NOT talking about it. Especially not after that stunt you pulled today!" Izuku said while going up to he's room to get dressed for bed

Katsuki didn't think Izuku would explode like that, was the holy water a sore spot for him Or did something else happen? Katsuki now felt bad thinking he said something to piss the poor boy off, so he went up to see what was up with the green bean.

He saw Izuku on he's bed with he's laptop, katsuki went up to Izuku and sat beside him "Yes kachan?" Izuku asked still looking at he's laptop

"What's wrong nerd?" Katsuki asked

"Why dose it matter?" Izuku asked still looking at he's laptop screen

Katsuki hated this answer with a passion "Just answer nerd or I'm going to your stupid friends house"

Izuku sighed "Fine! What exactly do you want to know?" Izuku asked while closing he's laptop

"First where did you get the holy water and second why are you in such a mood?" Katsuki asked

"Well the holy water I got from my dad... Before he left..." Izuku started "And for my mood... Uraraka thinks I'm dating you..." He said while rubbing the back of he's neck

"You mad because... Your friend thinks your dating me?" Katsuki asked kinda hurt

"Not like that! It's not necessarily that she thinks I'm dating you... Just dating all together after.... My last relationship which only ended a few months ago... And he wasn't... The best guy out there" Izuku said looking down Katsuki wasn't expecting that. "Sorry... I exploded like that..." Izuku said in a small voice

Katsuki didn't know what compelled him but he hugged Izuku and started to play with he's hair "it's okay or whatever" katsuki said. Izuku giggled and held onto him with a yawn,  Izuku fell asleep in katsuki's arms, katsuki put Izuku in he's lap keeping him close. After awhile katsuki also fell asleep with Izuku in he's arms.

Aww we love a soft katsuki ÙwÚ
Anywho here-
Word count: 1,384

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