~{Chapter 17}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku was outside of he's new home with he's boyfriend, Niji, and a few friends that wanted to help him move.

Izuku loved he's new home even though he'd only been there a few times, he was excited to live there! And the fact that katsuki had planned this all just for Izuku? Yeah he was a little upset that he didn't get to help Katsuki with the house, but Izuku was still really happy about it.

Izuku walked into the bakery with a box of personal belongings that he didn't want anyone else to touch, he didn't even want katsuki to touch it. As much as Izuku trusts katsuki he didn't want him to touch these spastic things. Izuku went straight to he's study to put the stuff in there, as soon as he was in there he put the box on he's desk top with a sigh

Izuku opened up the box and took out the first thing on top... Which was a picture of him and he's mother... Inko (Pic above) Izuku gave a sad smile as he looked at the picture, he couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he could have been able to say goodbye... Or maybe... See her smile again, her oh so warm smile that could cure he's depression.

He hung up the picture along with 2 other's then he started to pull out everything else out of the box, he decorated the place with everything in the box, he had failed to notice that a few tears we're running down he's cheek. He also failed to notice katsuki leaning on the door frame watching Izuku.

Izuku had finally finished decorating he's study, he looked at it with pride

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Izuku had finally finished decorating he's study, he looked at it with pride. It looked great and Izuku felt confident that he'd probably be the only one in here. He's wrong of course but we'll let him think that for now.

Izuku sat down in the chair with a sigh "Man... That took forever, what should I do now?" Izuku asked hemself

Katsuki came into the room "Hey nerd you almost... Done?" Katsuki looked at the room, it looked great but the main thing that got he's attention was the pictures. One of them was of Izuku and he's mother, the 2nd one was of Izuku and Uraraka, in the picture they we're laying on a bed cuddling while playing some type of video game (Minecraft), it looked like it was taken by somebody else... Probably he's mom. Last but not least, in the 3rd picture it was katsuki and Izuku, Izuku took the picture while they we're on laying on ground and looking at the stars, katsuki had planned for them to go stargazing for there 1st date, it was one of the happiest memories katsuki had, that night was the first night he'd been kissed on the cheek by Izuku, and while that may not seem like much, it ment a hell of a lot to katsuki.

Katsuki smiled as he looked at the picture of him and Izuku on the wall "Heh I didn't realize you got a picture of that" katsuki said with a small blush

Izuku giggled "Of course I did! It was a lovely night and I managed to make you blush with a simple kiss on the cheek" Izuku said with a smile

Katsuki playfully rolled he's eyes "Yeah yeah whatever, now come on I wanna eat lunch" katsuki said while walking to the kitchen

Izuku's smile faded for a moment, he knew he wouldn't be able to eat much of whatever katsuki made him, you see in he's past relationship (again should I give him a name? -) he wasn't aloud to eat much, only 1 meal a day and it was always a small meal, when he moved in with Uraraka he still had a hard time eating, then when he finally moved into he's first house and meet katsuki, katsuki would make sure he had eaten once he figured out Izuku didn't eat much katsuki would cook for him and get him to eat as much as possible.

Izuku could now eat 1 whole meal and some breakfast, this morning katsuki had made a pretty big breakfast so Izuku knew he would only be able to eat at least half, even though that was a big improvement Izuku still wished he could just get better quicker.

Izuku sighed as he got up to go to the kitchen, "So what do you want to eat nerd?" Katsuki asked when he saw Izuku come into the kitchen

Izuku smiled "I don't know... Maybe pasta?" Izuku said more as a question

Katsuki though about it "Yeah I guess pasta sounds good" katsuki said while getting the ingredients (Everything he makes is from scratch)

Izuku looked down and rubbed the back of he's neck while hes other hand was wrapped around him, katsuki looked back up at Izuku to ask Izuku a question only to see a sad looking bean

Katsuki frowned "Everything okay nerd?" Katsuki asked

Izuku put a smile on "Yeah... Everything's fine" Izuku said while trying to look happy again

Katsuki put down the ingredients "Are you sure? You know you can talk to me right?" Katsuki said

Izuku gave katsuki a reasuring smile "of course I do, I'll be in my study get me when foods ready" Izuku said while walking to he's study

Katsuki sighed as he started to cook, was Izuku mad? Did katsuki do or say something? Did Izuku think he was mad at him? As all these thoughts came into he's mind he over looked one simple detail... The picture of Izuku's mother and how he cried when he saw the picture.

Izuku was in he's study looking at the picture of him and he's mother, Izuku could feel a few tears fall but he didn't care at the moment. Izuku though he heard someone come into the room but he desided that it was nothing, he looked at the picture with a sad smile.

Katsuki looked at Izuku with sorrow, Izuku was going threw something and didn't tell katsuki, there was a part of him that wanted to be angry with him but the other half just couldn't be mad. Izuku went threw a lot and giving someone trust was a lot for him, katsuki was lucky to be in a relationship with him especially sense he had such an angry personality. Katsuki was going to do everything in he's power to show that he cared.

Katsuki walked up to Izuku and huged him from behind, it startled Izuku, once Izuku realized it was katsuki he quickly tried to wipe he's tears away

"H-Hey kachan! I d-didn't hear you come in" Izuku said when he wiped away he's tears

Katsuki held Izuku gently "Yeah.. that was kinda the point. I know you've been crying" katsuki said in he's ear

Izuku frowned "A-Ah I see... I'm sor-" katsuki cut him off

"You have nothing to be sorry about, I may not know why your upset but if there's anything I can do or say then I'm more then willing to help, okay? I just want you to be happy" katsuki said in a soft voice

Izuku smiled "wow such a tough guy" Izuku said with a giggle

Katsuki glaird Izuku "Shut up" he grumbled while hiding he's face in izuku's neck

Izuku simply gave katsuki a kiss on the head "I love you" Izuku said with a smile

Katsuki blushed "love you... Now come on foods ready" katsuki said while letting go of Izuku

Izuku sighed "I'll be there in a minute" Izuku said

Katsuki stopped at the door "Okay... Just remember I'm here, okay?" Katsuki said as he left

Izuku smiled again, hung the picture back up before leaving to eat, he gave one last look at the picture before closing the door

Little did he know he would be seeing her sooner then he thought...

Am I gunna give you anxiety for the next for chapters? Yes. Why? Just becouse :)

Also if your wondering where Niji is, she was in there bedroom the whole time just chilling on the bed :D
Word count: 1,371

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